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🍒 Cherry

"Okay what do you think about this dress I mean to be honest I'm a little nervous I mean like hello god of death" I say as I start to pace around as Sam looks at her phone and starts to smile. "Hello are you even listening to me earth to Sam" I say again as she continues to laugh at her phone at this point I'm starting to get annoyed so I look at my plant to the side of the room and have the vines wrap around her arm "AHHHH GET IT OFF GET IT OFF" she starts to screech thinking a big is on her. Oh my god she's so dramatic i think rolling my eyes laughing as I undo the vine.  "Now do I have your attention Ms. Malis" she just shakes her head and rolls her eyes "you lucky I like yo bitch ass Cherry and yes I was listening plus you'll be fine if anything just kick that Gods ass I mean you're powerful as hell girl, the strongest this Country has seen in a long time so you'll be fine." Did she just casually tell me to kick a gods ass. "Yes yes I did" she replied scaring the shit out of me. "I fucking forgot you can read minds that shit is scary Sometimes" she just looks at me like I'm stupid. "You can to Cherry honestly I don't know why you don't use your other powers beside simple telekinesis and telepathy and teleportation because I mean you could take over the fucking  world with the powers you possess I mean your no regular human with powers something in the world changes the day you were born Cherry you know it I know fuck even He knows it" I pause when she says him she doesn't haven't to say His name I already know exactly who she's talking about. I hate him so much so fucking much how could he do this why would he do thi- "Cherry" "huh" I say looking at her as I finally sit down. "Cherry if you know you ever want to talk about what happened in the pit you can tell me I'm -im not going to judge you we've all done things we're not proud of and-" I raise my hand to stop her from talking "sorry I just don't want to talk about him". She nods her head and stands up and goes to my closet and hands me a black skin tight dress that would obviously show off to much cleavage with a slit on the sides that went up to my hip. "Now this first off will get you some action with Kenji tonight so get your fine black ass of the bed and into this also go show the underworld just how gorgeous my human best friend is okay" she says smiling and handing it to me I cant help but laugh at her comments. "Okay let's get ready"

After getting ready and having Sam do some small makeup on my face I'm ready to go into the underworld where my boyfriend is along with his father and mother and siblings and uncles and aunts and friends and even more family. Okay nope I look into the mirror again "Cherry  Deimos Crimson Valentine you are a bad bitch okay you got this your super hot super funny powerful strong it's totally not like your going to see THE GOD OF FUCKING DEATH" nope nope I'm fine. I breathe out one more time and look in the mirror before giving myself a slap on the ass because I have to hype myself it. "God I need a fucking joint" I say sighing sitting back on my couch. "Figured you'd say that so I did the favor of rolling up for you jagi " oh fuck I think before turning around to see my boyfriend and I start to smile instantly. I stand arm and go to him and wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug holding him for a while taking in his scent he always smells like Strawberries and weed my favorite. "Hi love I missed you much" I say now putting my face into his chest rubbing my hand on his back. He just chuckles and hands me the joint and I laugh as well. I grab it and bring him to the Couch. "Sooo do I like have to meet your family today I just think like today isn't the best day you know what I mean" I say before lightning it up and taking a few puffs before passing it to him. He just laughs god that laugh I can listen to it all day he completely disregards my question putting his hand on my thigh rubbing it slowly. "Cherry I love you so much jagi you look absolutely gorgeous in all my 1,000 years of being alive I've never met someone like you ever and ive never loved someone like you or cherished someone like your or cared for someone like I do you so in the answer to that question yes jagi you have to come because not only have they been bothering me about it but I would love for you to meet my family." Goddamnit every single time this man gets me with his words every single time a smile and a blush creeping up on my face. He hands me back the joint as I take another hit before stopping it so we can leave. "You're so good to me Kenji baby I love you but you have to understand why I'm nervous right". He looks at me as he opens a portal to the underworld where I see his castle in the background. He takes my hand and kisses it. "You'll be fine babe we'll be fine nothing bad is going to happen first of all and yes I get why your nervous but I got you nothing bad is going to happen if it something ever did happen to you Cherry I would unleash hellfire it's self to burn any bastard who dare harm a single silver hair on that pretty head of your okay" he say as he kisses my forehead "nigga you crazy" I say before walking into the portal as I here him laugh and follow me. I really hope he's right.

The dinner goes well at first as I've already met his immediate family but now I'm currently talking to Poseidon fucking Poseidon. "You know Kenji showed me you in that arena when you we're fighting for your life I have to say I'm very impressed with the way you moved to get the water to flow with you I must say I'm a bit jealous I would never thought to incorporate dancing into it." Oh my gawd did Poseidon just fucking complement only my water bending "oh uhm thank you sir I danced for a while when I was younger and i honestly thought my moves were sloppy until I added some contemporary in there and no only does it make my fighting style better but it also helps with being able to be more on the offensive side than defensive side if you get what I'm saying." He just laughs quite loudly I might add catching the attention of everyone in the room as well he places his hand on my shoulder "I wouldn't have thought of that thank you for the tip Cherry I'll have to use it" why the fuck he touching me. I turn to look for Kenji because I really hate when people touch me it pisses me off. "Uncle I see you've met my beautiful girlfriend soon to be fiancé" I'm sorry did he just say fiancé I look up at him as he and his uncle start talking like I'm not here. DID HE JUST SAY FIANCÉ. "Excuse me for a minute Poseidon but I need to talk to Kenji for a second." Me and Kenji start to walk away but just as we're about to Hades says that the dinner party has now officially begun. Oh shit. "Cherry it's good to see you again" Hades says looking me up and down.  Oh god he's drunk I think. "Ofcourse Sir I love being down here In Kenjis home it makes me feel closer to him". Kenji gives my hand a light squeeze underneath the table smiling a bit. "Ahh well I'm very glad my son has finally found something to settle down with." I hear a few gasp around me along with Kenji now squeezing my a bit harder than before. I mind link with him letting him know that it's fine and I'm okay. I start to smile a bit " you know I appreciate the comment Hades but if you have something personally that you want to tell me I suggest you do it now considering you have everyone's attention now or is that what you wanted attention"  And before I know it a flame of fire is jolted pass my head as I doge it with a smile on my face. Uh oh he's mad Kenji gets up almost immediately the ground shaking a bit I place my hand on his arm to calm him down "Kenji it's fine it's my fault really obviously the drunk here can't control his liquor and wants a fight and if it's a fight he wants I'm more than willing to stain my hands with the blood of a god." Zeus starts to laugh very obnoxiously and clapping his hands "well well well this is very interesting a mortal challenging a god this should be fun" Hera smacks him on his head causing him to groan a bit. "Zeus do not antagonize this I really like Cherry I don't want her to die" okay ouch. "Oh please she's not just going to die she's going to stuck down here for the rest of her miserable fucking life trapped in misery" oh now he got me fucked up life without Kenji hell to the fuck no.  I start to laugh and I mean really fucking laugh. "Jagi" Kenji says looking at me worried. "Jagi you need to take a breath" he whispers in my ear. Hades starts to laugh " look at my son as weak as ever letting some girl talk like that to me" I stand up and look Hades right in the eye. "You know Hades I can handle you disrespecting me but what we aren't going to do is disrespect Kenji because as I'm concerned he's more a fucking god than you are" at this point I'm adding fuel to the fire as me and Hades are now standing face to face just three feet from each other. "You think you can disrespect me in my own house in my own realm and tell me how I talk with my son" he says with venom lacing his tone. "Did you know the human body is 70% water" "What" I smile softly and look at the now 8 foot tall man. "I was obviously intrigued with gods when I found out my boyfriend was one and do you know that Gods and Humans have almost the exact same body structure except for you guys being more physically strong and powerful but that's beside the point what I'm saying is that means you as well have 70% in you and you know water is in just about everything like for example that feeling your feeling in your body right now is me bending the water in your bloodstream slowly heating it up to the point where your bloodstream would explode because even though you are a god doesn't make you truly immortal everyone has a weakness and yours surprisingly enough is to much heat so tell me Hades would you like me to make your blood boil" I say smiling my eyes now fully white as my silver hair starts to turn white and burn bright. "No I didn't think so so please refrain from making comments like that about me and my boyfriend it's not very nice oh and remember Hades just because my name is Cherry doesn't mean I'm sweet Kenji baby let's go I need a fucking joint all this shit stressing me out it was lovely to meet you all fuck you Hades go suck a dick for fucking up my boyfriend" I say flipping him off and walking to the door exiting

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