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Trigger warning


Me and Kenji soon go back up to earth through his portal. The whole walk to the front of the castle was quite awkward with me wanting to say something but not wanting to make Kenji anymore mad. I go to speak up to say something to apologize for the way I behaved and the way I disrespected his father in his own home but all that comes out is air a simple sigh escapes my lips and it catches his attention. "I'm not mad you know" he pauses and stops walking as well "I'm just Cherry you should not have done that at all do you even understand how dangerous that was how reckless that was to threaten my father" he say running a hand through his hair. We've now made it to the front of my house and I open the door letting us in. "Kenji he disrespected me and you" putting an emphasis on the and part. He sighs before taking his black suit jacket off along with his watch leaving him in his white button up shirt and black dress pants with a chain under his shirt with the Cherry emoji as a jewel. "You don't understand jagi my father he's a very dangerous thing". I look at him confused I know he's a god but to describe him as a thing. "I can take of my self Kenji as you saw when I clearly made your father almost shit himself". I turn to look at him thinking he'd crack a smile or little chuckle at my joke but he doesn't he just stares at me. He's never like this "Baby" I say placing a hand on his cheek turning him to look at me "is everything okay you know you can always talk to me" I say I'm almost a whisper I've never been good at comforting people but when it comes to him I guess it's just easy. "I lied to you" he says abruptly looking at me with an unreadable expression I've never seen him so vulnerable. Now I'm starting to get a little scared. "Lied to me about what babe" he just continues to look at me his eyes now glossy as it looks like tears might spill. "Hey Baby what's wrong talk to me please you're worrying me". He sighs one more time before unloading a bunch of shit i never thought I'd hear from him.

"My father isn't a goody guy as you've seen a bit from tonight" he paused again unsure if he should keep going. "Go on" I encourage. "He first off Persephone isn't my mother my mother is Nyx the goddess of the moon and darkness my father had an affair because he thought Persephone was and well obviously cheated on her and I'm the outcome of that he already hated me for it like it wasn't his mistake like he wasn't the one who decided to cheat anyway after I was born something changed in the underworld that's what they always told me I was born my powerful and stronger than him he didn't like that not at all so he started using his powers on me" I don't say anything and just stare at him as he tells me about his past "when I was a child and I didn't do something right in his eyes he would use his power of eternal suffering on me making me see and feel things no child should he made me see my sister Strife die over and over and over again on repeat the only thing I remembered of her was her screams of her begging me to save her from the cruel wrath of my father." He pauses again to wipe a tear away and I grab his hand giving him a squeeze to let him know I'm still here and listening. "I'm not leaving you can talk and I'll listen" I say. He nods his head and puts his other hand on my hand. "There was a war about 400 years ago between Demons And Gods the gods had won obviously it was stupid for the demons to go up against us anyway I had turned 621 around then and had been known as The Prince Of Death because of the kill count I had racked up at the hands of my father to be honest my father scares the shit out of me he's done horrible things not only to me but to other people for the first 600 years of my life I thought everything was fixed just as it was and is good was good and bad was bad and I was and still am convinced that my father isn't just bad but Pure Evil Cherry he's a sensitive man he has a huge ego because no one dares to actually step up to him but you you did so I'm scared that he's going to want to come after you" fuck I mean I don't know what to say to any of this. "Ken-" I'm cut off by him starting to talk again. "Wait just let me finish or else's I'll never tell you" okay. "Okay" I say placing my legs over his letting him know I'm comfortable to get talking again. "My father he uhm he sent me on a mission to infiltrate Seya the god of Lies to know what he was planning to do at the annual Olympus meeting and I found out but what I didn't know was my father betrayed me letting me get caught and tortured by the god of lies for one hundred years for one hundred years I thought my dad would come save me and when Seya finally told me I was broken I mean to think that the one person in the whole world who was supposed to protect me and love me betrayed me sent me to die let me get tortured after that I got angry so angry I let it all out and killed anyone in my way or who looked at me wrong I was a monster a horrible creature who only thought of killing and hurting others I slaughters over millions of people over the years you know I was gonna kill everybody in that amphitheater and then I saw you and your smile I could tell it was fake but it was still so gorgeous that I knew I would do whatever it took to see the real one." I don't. "Kenji" I say "don't I know you probably think of me a monster and a horrible person" I shake my head "No Kenji I think that you went through some really fucked up shit and you responded with the only way you knew how and I'm sorry you think that way my love but to me your the most incredible person I've ever seen".


She feels that way even after I told her this "why I don't understand I've killed more people than I can count hurt more people than I can count destroyed family's I mean I've done horrible things Cherry how can you still possibly look at me like that" I ask genuinely confused how can she still look at me with that look in her eye that gets me on my knee's every time. How could she still look at me as if I'm the only man she's laid eyes on that I'm the only one who matter why does she love me so much? And why do I love her so fucking much. "You deserve to be loved and cherished the way you should have been and I want to do that hey" she grabs my face forcing me to look at her piercing glaze as I stare in her silver eyes lost in the depth of them and the story they tell and how I wish she told me those story's. "Cherry" I say lowly. "Kenji I want to love you I don't have to no one is forcing me to okay I want to love you I'm choosing to love you through out all of it so please just don't leave me that's all I ask". That's all she ask. "I could never leave you really Cherry I don't think I'm actually capable of leaving you your it for me no one else" she's smiles and puts both of her hands on the side of my face bringing me into a kiss. Not a kiss filled with lust and desire and eagerness to rip each others clothes off but one filled a desire to be held and loved a desire to feel safe with each other. She slowly pulls away from the kiss smiling "Kenji Jigoku you are single handily the only man that can make me feel this crazy in love" I raise an eyebrow at her before chuckling and kissing her lips again just a short peck before I get to eager gods know I can barely keep control of myself around her. "Did you just quote Beyoncé" she gasp then like at me like I've grown another head. "Oh my god babe you're like literally a thousand plus years old and you know who Beyoncé is I just fell more In love with you". She says before dramatically falling into me and laying there. "Ken sweetie I'm going to be so honest with you I have suddenly have no energy to do anything can you bring me to bed" seriously. "Seriously" I say looking at her like she can't just teleport. "You do know you can teleport right". She just scoffs before saying "did you not hear the part where I said I have no energy I need energy to teleport babe come on get your bed in the game". This girl I quickly get up and pick her up throwing her over my shoulder and she screeches. "Hey you bitch I said pick me up not throw me like a potato sack nigga damn". I can't help but laugh at her vulgar language and whining. "Shut up you're lucky I'm even carrying you upstairs I should have just left you down there" I say chuckling she scoffs before saying. "First off do not talk to me like that you may be cute but you not that cute and second off you fucking wouldn't you just told me you couldn't leave me alone and shit so you shut up." Now it's my turn to scoff but damn she got me there. "Mhm" she says before kicking the door open and I throw her on the bed. "HEY" "boy I'm bout to hurt you do not test me right now" I just smile at her before going into the bathroom to get a bath ready for her. "Hey don't walk away from me-" "aww babe you're so sweet thank you so much for doing this I literally love you" she is so goddamn bipolar I swear. "You bipolar as fuck you know that right jagi" she nods her head yes "yeah I know now call me when the bath is ready ima go get ready love you thank you" she says before running out the bathroom I just laugh at her antics and go back to making the bath. After it's ready I call her in and she gets in the bath I leave the bathroom to go get ready for bed and I just can't help but think how can she still smile at me knowing what a shitty person I am. "I'm never letting you go Cherry Valentine never" I say holding my chain kissing it softly.

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