Helping Him

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"Kristian , i swear i am failing this year" , "Shut up idiot , it's just one problem you can't solve not the entire book" i said face palming myself on his tantrums , " I hate trigonometry , who the hell made this sin cos tan , what on the earth was on his mind" he said slamming his notebook and pen table " , "Aish , come le me help you"

"Wow , it's so easy" , "Just a minute ago someone was cursing to the one who made this" i said sarcastically , "I still hate it , but if my  kitty  will help me out i am gonna top for sure" , he said side hugging me "When will you grow up bunny , such a kid you are"


We were in our English class , last one before break , I was just passing time doodling in my notebook , "Ms. Fanning!" , the teacher called out my name as I stood up at the sudden call ,"yes Miss?" , "I want you to help Daniel with the notes regarding the last poem we did" , I was shocked at the statement "NO WAY" i shouted in my mind , there was nothing I could do so let's go with the flow I thought "as you say miss" i spoke and sat down .

I was thinking about it during the rest of the class , what was i suppose to do , there was no way i was gonna interact with him , for the first time i regretted being the best student.

The bell rang , and we started gathering our stuff , i noticed Daniel leaving the class , and turned to Jade who was looking at me worried expressions , "Let's go to cafeteria we'll think what to do" , I nodded as we went to our lockers , there on my locker I noticed a yellow sticky note , "What's with this now?" , I pulled it off as Jade peeped through my shoulder to read it , "No need to help me , I'll lie to teacher you did and you do same , I'll manage myself  - D . R ."

"D . R. who's this now?" Jade spoke , "Daniel Rodolph, who else , he solved the issue himself" , i said sighing in relief , "Amazing!! let's go eat I'm hungry" , "yup" , we headed to cafeteria 

 "I'm with donut and grilled cheese sandwich , you?" , he said taking his tray , "well same i guess" and came to a empty table , we were chit-chatting enjoying our 40 minutes as usual , when someone came swiftly , banged his hand on our table and went off like air , i didn't even got a chance to look who it was in the chaotic cafeteria , but i noticed a similar note like one on my locker , on the table , i took it "meet me in back yard -D. R." , "What it is , is it him again?" , "I'll see you at sports" i said and rushed out , not giving Jade a chance to question something else , i headed to the place he wrote to me  , I was nervous but not scared .

I saw him standing there , facing his back towards me , i walked towards him , before i could call him out , he turned back himself , "um..he.." "better stay away from me , no need to poke your nose in my matters again" , he said and went off from not even giving me a chance to speak anything.

"What the hell!" , i cussed , i don't even want to see him , what does he thinks of himself even , i went to my locker as the break was already over , it was sports now , i quickly changed my dress and went to gym , there was Jade playing basketball , i sat there at the bench looking at the match , i usually used to play even though it was just me among all the boys i actually never mind it even they didn't , but today i was not in a mood , "hey kris! don't wanna play?" jasper asked in between the game noticing me , i just shook my head in a no giving a smile. 

Jade came over to in game break , he spoke as i handed him a water bottle "so?" , "he just said stay out of my matters" , "when did you even interupted his , this guy really needs a lesson" , he said slamming down the bottle hard , yeah he was angry and always is when someone does something like that with me or is responsible for my bad mood , but it wasn't Daniel at all i care least for him , i have some other issues to be handled 


I was laying on my bed thinking about last night , when a notification poped up on my phone 

'Jerry🖤' -; yo kitty , wassup bout last night?

Kitty; yo , i was just bout to text you 

-; well 

-; thunder crashed ,

   -;platinum worn by Sky 

-;and Black Mamba gave a new Chocolate 

Jerry🖤' -; 🤯😬 

                    -thunder crashed!!!!!!!! damn it 

                    -what's with chocolate - dark , white or nuts?

Kitty-; dark.......

Jerry🖤' -; that's why you were quite , tastes bad truly 

                     meet you at track................

Kitty-; yeah , see ya



Our codes level are really extreme , if somebody mistakenly sees our text , one would be barely able to understand what are we even talking about 

Here i am standing in front of my closet , not choosing what to wear , finding my 'pocket knife' it's third time this month i lost it , i always wonder did i left it on the persons body itself after slicing them or it fell of from my pocket while riding my bike , god knows , "Damn it , i need to order a new one" , i sighed and picked my phone and jacket , locking the door 

Here i lived alone in a 2 bedroom flat , it was huge enough for me , and luxurious , also giving me privacy and peace as every flat in this society was made soundproof and people here are usually working and busy kind off and better like stay by themselves , so no one to ask me anything like a 17 year old highschooler living all alone and more over staying out at late night

From 27th floor i took the lift to ground , heading to parking , getting on my bike and ready for the Race tonight.

It's been a year i was involved in this illegal racing , which was setup ground a little farther from city , all the insane car lovers who wanna go for a crazy drift or race a few laps , crashing into one another mostly their aim would be , it wasn't something like street rodeos , all were Rich here owned BMW , Mercedes , Lamborghini , Porche , Mc Laren and the list goes on and on for the luxuries , a well built race track , arena and all , but only people having connections to underworld could enter here , honestly this is where i met Jade for the first time , the first meeting wasn't a pleasant one afterall , we were competing in the "Smog Run" , most deadly race of this area , consisting 8 cars , and the entire track is covered with dense smog one could barely make out the way or see other car , it all depends on your skills and senses and mostly 'luck' 

Last year i met Jade in this race  , only we two were left on track  ,  and made it through end , met their and just boom the vibe matched and we are together the besties and best drift duo here 

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