am i still hurting?

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"Kris? are you inside" i heard someone knocking my door  the voice wasn't clear neither my vision , my body felt cold , 'was i lying on the floor?' , my face felt wet , my eyes were puffed 'did i cry' , i heard a bang , as my room door opened swiftly , i assumed , i could barely see 

A pair of arms held me , pulling me up , 'is it him did he came back' , thoughts wandered my head , but i can't see except some blurry view , my eyes closed more than half , but i was breathing , i could hear some sound , someone speaking  but what, i can't understand .

I felt my skin touching a soft fabric , a hand caressing my cheek , "Kris , what happend , wake up baby" finally some words reached my ears , 'it's not him , it's Nick' , i just nodded my head to make him know i could hear him , he made me sit up my eyes still half closed , he made me drink water 'it hurts my throat like a thorn stem was shoved down my throat'  i hit the glass with my hand making it shatter somewhere in the room , "it hurts" the words escaped my mouth as a mere whisper impossible to even hear , but he doesn't need to hear my words to understand. 

He pulled me softly into his hold , not so tight but still close "it won't hurt sweetheart, match your heartbeat with me and the pain is gonna runaway" he whispered in my ear , pushing back my hairs , 'i don't deserve him , i am making him suffer with me , he owes me nothing why does he care for me , why?' 

I tried to do , what he said i , like i did earlier , my breathe became normal , my vision a bit clearer , he pulled me apart a bit and saw my face , my eyes wide open like they should be , he grabbed a cloth and wiped my face softly , it was cold , and made my face muscles calmer.

I don't remember what happened , Nothing , my brain is empty , i just look down , while he is looking towards me , i could feel , my lips parted to say something , before anything could come out he spoke "You didn't came down it was more than a hour , i didn't realize it talking to Theo , i thought you must be freshening up , so i came to check , but you didn't responded so i broke in and found you lying on floor ............. you had an anxiety attack again , did something happen? that you haven't told me" , his voice was low and calm 

"I don't know" sound barely escaped my mouth , he just read my lips , "it's okay rest for now , i am bringing your food" he got up making me sit comfortably , "Lia ,help her change" he moved out closing the door behind him taking a glance of me



"Nick, is she okay?" Theo asked , as i stepped out , "her anxiety attacks are back , i shouldn't have left her alone here" i sighed looking down , i felt guilty , "is it the same reason" , "I guess it is , rest she is not in a condition to tell instantly , she is not in senses yet" i walked down , followed by him 

Me and Theo were talking , when Kris left , i thought she left to freshen up and than would come for dinner , meanwhile i told Theo Kris's background , Our Dads were out for tonight and that's only when i could've told him , Dad doesn't allow me or anyone else to talk or question anything about Kris's past whatever the reason might be , it should not be done , he loves Kris more than me , and i have no complaints for it , even i love her more than myself , if ever i even have to die for her to be safe and sound , i won't hesitate for a second , but only if she is gonna be alright otherwise i would cross any line , for her safety and smile .

But Theo is a part of family he needs to know , before unknowingly he triggers something inside her

"I guess  it is because of me , i shouldn't have said that right" Theo said , his voice filled with care and guilt , "No Theo , it's not because of that , that word is nothing that could trigger her this much it wasn't first time" i said picking up the tray , "can i come too , i am worried" giving those puppy eyes , only i have seen this kid like this, a ruthless assassin , "it's okay , i will see upon her , you can meet her tomorrow morning , don't worry" , i said and left , as he stood their frozen just starring me leave

Bringing someone else , infront of her right now , could result in anything , it's better , if i just stay for tonight , i knocked on the door , as Lia opened her eyes filled with worry , "You changed her" i questioned and she just nodded , "she said anything" , again she just nodded in a no , this time , "I'll feed her , don't worry okay , go and take care of Theo , he is disturbed a bit , and have dinner , i will eat later" , "okay" , she said and left , i sat beside Kris , she sat with her back on headboard , duvet pulled up till her knees , i made her drink water first , her lips seemed dry.

Thankfully she didn't threw glass this time , means she is coming back to normal , 'water doesn't feel like stabbing thorns now' i thought , i fed her soup and a bit of rice , she didn't ate much  but it's okay , atleast had something , better than nothing 

"Nick" she said , using all the energy she had , i went closer to her "yes baby" , "he.." , "hm who?" , "Daniel .. is back" 

she said , as her gaze felt down , my body was still hearing it , there was nothing i thought but i knew , she went like this again , because he is back , she saw her , maybe even met , did he say something , why was she hurt like that

she didn't even had the conscious to realize she is cried for an hour , she was laying on cold floor , and she didn't knew , just like the first day , she cried silently , and had no energy inside her to even breathe , i had to held her close and asked her to match her heartbeat or breath with me , this will distract her , and it worked he breath was normal , she stayed quiet for 2 days , only i know how i faced it , the most energetic clumsy soul of house was pale and quiet , her voice is the reason i speak for , her smile is the reason i laugh for , her cuteness is the reason i see this world for  , and she deserves all the happiness , she doesn't deserve to be traumatized , she is given to me to be taken care of and give her what is hers , the love and care in my heart for her , and nobody , nobody has the right to take it away from my baby 

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