He is back!

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"Addie! I am leaving , Lia just texted me to be there by dinner" , "okay , shall i accompany you in ride till there?" , "Nah I am good , You and Sky enjoy the party , and don't pick up a fight with Norris again" i said rolling my eyes and he just shrugged and went off with Sky and other crewmates as i left to garage to take my bike , so bad i have to wait another year to get permission and license for driving my cars on road freely.

As i was on my way , with my airpods on , listening to Weeknd , i felt someone following me , a black Mercedes-benz AMG GT s following me since past 15 mins , i saw from my side mirror , 'I haven't seen this car on track? did he started tailing me after that? maybe it's just a coincidence'

I was trying to ignore though I know it's really stupid , as i stopped in traffic lights , the car stopped right behind me and , from my helmet the driver couldn't know i am looking towards his direction from side mirror but to the surprise is it has black tint mirrors, that's wierd , only highly ranked rich mafia CEOs manage to get a license for them , so do my gang owns it , is it one of our rival , i guess i am in trouble now , i quickly texted lia a code "saw a black sparrow at this hour! surprising no! arriving soon with it's wing in 10 mins"

And placed it back and raced to my house , the man is actually following me , he is pacing upto my speed , i decided to take a shortcut from street where he can't enter , only a two wheeler  could , i took a sharp turn , thankgod , finally that creep is gone now 

I reached Mansion finally , 'ah i miss my home' , i sighed , staying in that apartment never makes me feel home , but as soon as i enter gates of this place i feel the familiar scents , this is where my heart belongs "My Home , My only Family"

I parked my bike and entered in "I'm home!" i shouted , i approached till living room and found no one? , not even any of servants! , "guys? where are you?", i was about to go upstairs when two pairs of masculine arms wrapped around my waist swiftly , i was about to hit him in defence but his scent was recognised by my senses , "I'm here" his deep voice gave a relief to my ears and heart "Nick , you are back!" i turned around took a quick glance of him , hugging him back tightly , "missed me  baby?" , "when i didn't , did you miss me?" , i picked up my head looking up for a response still in his embrace , "umm..no i didn't" he said looking towards other side , i pushed him back leaving his hold , only for him to hold me and pull me back , "If i missed you sweetheart , wouldn't have i lost my concentration while on mission" he said sweetly as he saw me sulking on his previous statement , "yeah , you should not miss me than, when did you came back , why didn't you text me or call me!?" , "Aish kid! first atleast sit down"

we sat on the couch , "so now tell me" , i looked towards him like a small baby begging for storytelling , "alright" he stated with a chuckle "i just came this afternoon around 3 , so i thought you must be tired after school , so i thought i will give you a surprise visit at track , but i couldn't come , Lia needed my help in tracking some accounts so i stayed back and asked her to text you so i could surprise you here" he told everything as I hummed in response , "so, how was your day and race" he asked me "well , guess what! a huge chaos was created yesterday i wa...." i was cut off by the maid "sir , Mr. Fiennes is here" she exclaimed , "Kris i want you to meet my cousin" ,  " cousin?" i asked not knowing which of his cousins i don't know , he took me with him near the main door , "he is my cousin , not a blood bonded one , but  dad's brotherly friend's son , he went abroad when he was young with his dad and today they came back" , he was telling me everything as i listened , than my eyes fell on the man standing at the door a very familiar figure to me 

 "NORRIS!" , "CRESCENT!"  , we both shouted as we saw each other , not him please , i thought , "You guys know each other??" , Nick stood their completely shocked , "yeah just defeated this Brat on track and turned his Lamborghini Aventador into a piece of metal junk" , i shrugged innocently like i actually just broke is his toy car and not actually a real one just an hour ago , "you did WHAT!" Nick looked at me with disbelief , "And why are you having so many bandages on your face Theo! wait...."

"well..." he said rolling his eyes , "what are you doing at my brother's home by the way" he asked raising his eyebrows , "for your kind information this is my home you are standing in , so better keep your attitude to yourself or else..." , "Yah! Kris , Cool down , c'mon Theo let's go inside , don't mind her" , he said pulling his arm around my shoulder and dragging me with him 

"Nick Is Kris here .. Theo!!" Lia came running downstairs as she saw him and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly "What a surprise! I was dying to see you" , "me too babe" , "YAh! continue this romance of yours in room" Nick said dramatically , rubbing his temples , to which i giggled , "so Lia , he is your T.H.E.O" i said suppressing each and every spelling of the name , she almost talked about for hours daily. 

"yeah he is" she said shyly , "I am sorry sis , but you date a loser" i said with a smirk towards Norris aka Theo i suppose was his real name , as he gave me a done look , i chuckled at his response , "What's happening here?" Lia asked being confused 

"Okay i tell what exactly happened" i sighed and told the entire thing from yesterday , how he crashed my BMW , and how i took my revenge today , Nick and Lia as i expected both facepalmed themselves knowing nothing could be done of my ego and instincts , and Theo just rolled his eyes and why won't he , he just lost from a girl who is years younger and less experienced driver than him. 

"Okay whatsoever , Kris , he is Theo Fiennes my cousin , and Theo she is Kristian my sister" , nick spoke as he gave a introduction , "When did you get a sister!?" , i gave him a done look and nick laughed at his statement , was there anything to laugh? ,  "Bro , you went when we were 13 , than , after two years , Dad bought her home she was just five , and rescued actually , i will tell you rest later" , "so she is your stepsister?" , i actually wanted to pull out his tongue on the word 'step-sister' i hate being called his stepsister like why the hell man , he has loved me more than any blood bonded brother would love his sister , its just my blood boils on hearing this , "Theo you are new to her and even here for now , so just mind it , dont call her my stepsister , neither she likes it nor me , and her temper is worst than mine" Nick said whispering last words in his ears and Theo just gave him a confused side eye. 

i was so done being here , i just got up and went back to my room leaving everyone dumbfounded

I closed the door behind me , as the his thought crossed my mind, i sat on the edge of the bed , taking off my jacket . "do i even deserve to be where i am" , i closed my eyes as i pushed back my hairs curtaining my face , it's been a year since i shed any tear , neither due to physical pain or mental , last year itself was a huge trauma for me when Daniel broke our friendship of years in front of entire school , i used to cry whole day , barely had meals , at that time it was only Nick i had , he never complained on my situation he always did understood what i must've been going through , he always lend me shoulder to cry on for hours , even when i fell asleep while crying he would still hold me close in his embrace , he knows deep down without being told by me , 'i have a phobia of being left out'

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