chapter 2:curse of honkai

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(4 years later)

Four  years had passed since Y/N's encounter with Honkai energy, and he was now a student at an elementary school. Despite his extraordinary abilities, he had been forbidden by his father from using telekinesis, and he kept his powers hidden, fearing the consequences if anyone were to find out.

As Y/N strolled through the busy hallways, he kept his head down and avoided making eye contact with his peers. He was used to the whispers and stares, but it still stung to be shunned by his peers.

Student 1: Hey, isn't that the weird kid who never talks to anyone?

Student 2: Yeah, I heard he's some kind of loner. Probably has no friends.

Y/N ignored the taunts, focusing on getting through the day without drawing any attention to himself. His father had warned him to avoid anyone who might bully him or pick on him, and he took those words to heart, keeping to himself and avoiding interactions with his classmates whenever possible.

Despite his best efforts to blend in, Y/N couldn't shake the sense of loneliness that gnawed at him every day. He wished for a companion who would accept him as he was and not criticise him for his differences.

As Y/N sat alone at lunch, watching the other children laugh and play with their friends, he couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. He wanted nothing more than to join in their games, to feel like he belonged, but he knew that it was an impossible dream.

As Y/N sat alone at lunch, surrounded by the bustling chatter of his classmates, a group of popular bullies approached him. Their smirks and jeers were like a dark cloud looming over him, casting a shadow on what should have been a peaceful moment.

Bully 1: Look who's flying solo again. You'd think he'd learn to make some friends by now.

Bully 2: Yeah, but who would want to be friends with a weirdo like him?

Y/N's heart fell as familiar taunts flooded over him. He had long accepted his status as an outcast, the focus of the bullies' vicious comments and mockery. He had gotten accustomed to the daily suffering, a silent struggle that he confronted on his own.

Bully 3: Let's take him somewhere more... private. Where we can have a little fun without any interruptions.

Y/N felt a sinking feeling in his chest as the bullies forcefully pulled him away from the bustling cafeteria, where he had sought solace in solitude. Despite his desperate struggles, he was overpowered by their strength.

As the bullies led him to a secluded corner of the school, away from the vigilant gaze of teachers and the chatter of his peers, Y/N's heart grew heavy with dread. He knew that there would be no one to witness their cruel actions, and the realization filled him with a deep sense of despair.

Y/N's voice trembled with fear and frustration as he pleaded with the bullies, his words choked with emotion.

Y/N: Please let me leave! I have not done anything to you! Why do you people have to do this every day?

Y/N's desperate plea fell on deaf ears as the bullies callously tossed him against the wall, his body slamming into the unforgiving surface with a sickening thud. He winced in pain, his breath knocked out of him as he struggled to regain his bearings.

With a wicked grin, the lead bully triumphantly opened Y/N's lunchbox, revealing its contents to the mocking laughter of his accomplices. Inside, they found Y/N's carefully prepared meal, lovingly packed by his father that morning.

Bully 1 : Looks like we hit the jackpot, boys! What do we have here, freak? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich? How pathetic!

The bullies erupted into cruel laughter as they inspected the contents of the lunchbox, tossing the sandwich aside with disdain. Y/N's heart sank as he watched his lunch, his only source of comfort in this hostile environment, being discarded like trash.

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