chapter 3: new faces

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It had been seven years since Y/N had taken the radical decision to train under Cocolia's tutelage. He had developed from a confused and disturbed young man to a disciplined and proficient soldier over this time, all while perfecting his skills under his mentor's close supervision.

With the guidance of Cocolia, Y/N had acquired the ability to control and precisely channel his Honkai abilities. He was still struggling with occasional outbursts of uncontrollable behaviour, even though he had made great progress and mastered many elements of his skills.

Despite his best efforts, there were moments when the volatile nature of his powers would flare up, causing havoc and destruction in their wake. These instances served as stark reminders of the inherent danger Y/N posed to himself and those around him.

Nevertheless, Y/N had grown accustomed to his abilities over the years, learning to navigate the complexities of his power with a mixture of caution and determination. With each passing day, he gained a deeper understanding of his capabilities, honing his skills through rigorous training and real-world experience.

As the years passed, Y/N's training with Cocolia propelled him to the forefront of the war against the Honkai threat. With each mission, he encountered increasingly formidable adversaries, ranging from Honkai beast to rogue forces attempting to sabotage Anti-Entropy's work.

Y/n became a fearsome force on the battlefield, instilling dread in his foes and earning the admiration of his fellow troops.

From the depths of the wilderness to the heart of enemy territory, Y/N faced countless trials and tribulations, each one pushing him to the brink of his abilities. Yet, with unwavering determination and unwavering resolve, he emerged victorious time and time again, his faith in Cocolia's guidance never faltering.

On one particularly fine day, Cocolia had an urgent appointment in Russia. As she departed on her business journey to Russia, Y/N joined her, utilising his newly discovered ability to open portals, which he named "Gate." This incredible talent enabled him to effortlessly move himself and others to remote areas, offering essential assistance on their goal.

He also discovered that he could store various objects within the Gate, from weapons and equipment to supplies and artifacts, making him a versatile asset in the field.

As the meeting concluded, Cocolia navigated through the dense forest, her steps deliberate and purposeful. Y/N stood waiting in the frigid expanse, the snow crunching beneath his boots as he watched her approach.

Y/N: Matushka, how did the meeting fare?

Cocolia's lips quirked into a tired smile as she approached Y/N, her footsteps crunching in the snow.

Cocolia: It was... challenging, to say the least. But we made some progress, thanks to your help.

Y/N's smile widened, a sense of pride swelling within him at the praise from his mentor.

Y/N: Really? That's great to hear! So, what's next for us?

Cocolia's expression turned serious as she gestured towards the forest beyond, her gaze intense.

Cocolia: We have a new mission, one that will test your skills like never before. But I know you're up for the challenge.

Y/N: Absolutely, Matushka! I'm ready for the way matushka,have you noticed?

The atmosphere shifted subtly, a sense of unease settling over the clearing as Y/N's voice trailed off. Cocolia's gaze sharpened, her instincts honed from years of experience alerting her to the danger lurking nearby.

Cocolia: Yes, I've felt it too. They've been following me ever since I left the headquarters, biding their time for an opportunity to strike. My guess is that they're assassins.

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