When did the oppressed become the oppressors

When did retaliation become terrorism

You've ignored the real aggressors

Beat the drums to a sickening rhythm

When did the truth become slighted

Wave a foul smelling flag of genocide

You're draped in a blanket of bloodshed

And stare at the camera wide-eyed

Was it when the corpses of thousands

Littered the halls of congregation

Did you blink in astonishment when

The enslaved stood up for their nation

And in the heat of the moment

did your vision waver a second

Was it blurred by chemical rain

Or the echo of bombs do you reckon

I understand that I can't do much

After all, I'm not much but a girl

But until this wrong has been righted

I declare war on the world

Aisha. B

By the Fig and the OliveWhere stories live. Discover now