Chapter One

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Michael pulled his sword out of the last human, and roared. A bunch of other dragons roared in succession, as the fighting finally stopped. He turned and watched as piles of human and dragon bodies were piled and lit aflame. Cries of despair and joy were ringing through the battlefield. Many had lost loved ones and others, while the rest of them are joyous in their final victory. The remnants of Michael's wolf army were collecting around them. The small forces he had been able to gather for the war were heavily injured. He turned to them and nodded, dismissing them to get the care they need. The leader of the native dragons walked up to him; he was bleeding but it didn't hide his satisfaction.

"The species is safe, thank you." He spoke to Michael.

Michael nodded, and sheathed his sword. "Now I will stay and make sure you prosper."

[One point six two five million years later]

Two armored black dragons landed in front of a large tower, it was the last surviving trace of humankind, and the brothers had been ordered to take it out.

"Let's hurry up and get this done, I want to get back to Flora as soon as possible." The older dragon spoke.

"You two are inseparable." The other dragon shook his head and smiled.

"That, and she's going to go into heat soon, and would kill me if I miss it." He replied "You will understand when you find a mate of your own, speaking of which, has anybody caught your attention?"

"I've been courting someone for a while, and I'm hopelessly in love with her, but there is a royal that is relentlessly courting her as well, and he won't take no for an answer."

"Sam, you just need to tell her your feelings, and hope she returns them, if she does, then get engaged, and he will be forced to leave you alone."

"I know, but royal courting's take priority over others." Sam sighed.

"Not if you come first, how long have you been courting?"

"I don't know Cal, two, maybe three years now." Sam smiled to himself.

"And how long has he been trying?" Cal asked

"Six months, about." Sam answered.

"Then you get priority." Cal stated

"Alright, alright, I get it, let's change the subject, am I going to be an uncle?" Sam turned to him.

Cal smiled. "We hope so, were going to try, let's get this done."

They stepped forward and shot dark beams at the tower, which promptly crumbled and fell. They sent a few more beams into the larger pieces that were left. Sam noticed a strange green glow and uncovered a rock.

"Cal, check this out." He called.

Cal walked up and looked at the crystal.

"Don't touch it, we don't know what they were doing." Cal told him. "There are a ton of skeletons all over the place now."

Sam nodded, and used a special box to contain the crystal, he tied it to his back and they flew back home. The city of Sandar was beautiful, its massive metal skyscrapers glittered in the sunlight. The duo landed outside the laboratories and handed the box in so it can be studied, then they returned to their homes. Sam and Cal lived in the same building, and as they walked home, they kept chatting.

"Who are you courting by the way?" Cal asked

"Uhm, well, she's a...."

"Wait, the only royal courting I've heard about was between that red guy and... Don't tell me it's Sapphire." He interrupted.

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