Chapter Nine

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Spyro, Flame, Camry, Sam, and Mark all flew away from Warfang. They had gotten the location of the settlement from some of Flame's dignitaries, and were heading in that direction.

"They want to violate not only an ML code, but also many of their laws, Warfang's laws, Triad's laws, and even general dragon laws. I saw we toast them, and go back, Mark and Star are next for ascension, and need to get ready." Sam spoke.

"When it is time for you to get ready for your ascension, just go, it's more important right now." Spyro told Mark.

"I won't just leave you." Mark replied.

"We'll be fine, two immortals and two kings can do pretty much anything." Spyro replied.

"Speaking of which, how is it?" Flame asked Camry.

"It's weird, I feel like nothing has happened, but I can use a new element, and heal faster than normal." Camry replied. "It's really hard to notice any difference."

The settlement came into view, and everybody silenced.

"I don't care who were fighting, guy's night is guy's night, we need to do them more often." Sam called out.

"Why are you so obsessed?" Mark called up at him.

"Back at my tribe, all of us in the same age group would get together and just take off, go look around just have fun, it's an old tradition I want to modernize and continue. Also, were not going to be doing much for a while, so we might as well enjoy it, that's why the girls are having them like, once a week." Sam explained.

They quieted back down and approached the settlement, there were a bunch of dragons milling around, some were doing work, while others were just chatting. The group landed in the middle of the compound, and were greeted by a group of enthusiastic dragons.

"Hero, we thank you for gracing us with your presence." One of them cheered.

"My king, kings." Another one stepped forward. "Why, may I ask, have you come? We weren't expecting you; I mean."

"We wish to speak with whoever is in charge." Spyro told him.

"I'll go get him."

Five small, robed, dragons landed suddenly next to them. The leader took off her hood and walked up to them.

"We came as soon as we could."

"Why? What for?" Flame asked.

"We will serve as a mediator, the unbiased opinion from the temple of Warfang." The priestess replied.

"Wait, doesn't the temple worship ethereal powers." Spyro asked.

"Well, yes, mainly, as well as aether." The priestess admitted.

"So, the king of the magic you worship, who is not only a friend, but is also the grandfather of my mate, is the one you really worship?" Spyro smirked. "That seems like a bias."

The priestess paled. "Nonetheless we will still remain unbiased."

"And he's a black dragon, imagine that." Spyro turned to the others.

The dragon that left to inform the leader returned and nodded to them.

"The main room is ready."

They nodded, and walked into a large building facing the center of the compound. The main room consisted of a large table, surrounded by hundreds of seats. There were some dragons spread around the stands, and there were five dragons sitting at the main table. The dragon sitting at the head of the table and smiled and nodded to them.

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