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Waking up to the sound of birds, and the sea is something I'll always love.But getting up and getting a shower was the first task of today.

The next would be going home and facing my so called father and my traitor of a mother, but it would have to be done eventually, so why not today.

Getting in the shower and finally feeling fresh I went to look for Sarah. Finding her outside trying to save turtles from birds.

But before I could speak to her, her father had called her over to talk, but who was her father standing next to?

Is that Lana grubs?

"Hey Sarah, thank you for having me, I'll text you later" I shouted before walking away.

"Bye" Sarah shouted back, although I couldn't see her.

Getting in my car, I decided I wasn't ready to go home, so I went to the next best place, the Château.

"Hello" I said looking around the house, John b was looking out the porch at the damage Agatha caused.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ said as he stumbled out of the house.

"Yes she did" John b replied.

"Celina, where were you last night" JJ questioned, looking at me.

"I went home, haven't been back in a few days" I replied looking down, somehow jj always knew when I was lying.

Jj turned towards John b "whatca thinkin'" jj asked John b.

"I'm thinking the storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crabs" John b replied while cleaning out the boat.

"What about the dcs? isn't that today" jj said looking confused.

"Nah they won't get on a ferry, not after the storm" I said looking over at the two.

Going in the house to change, I got my bikini on and went out to the boys. Lying down on the back of the boat I laid down and ignored them.

That was until we pulled up to popes house and they wouldn't shut up.

"Look who me have here" jj whooped at pope.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory" John b said in voice that sounded like a walkie talkie.

"I can't, my pops got me on lockdown" pope replied looking out at us.

"Your dad's a pussy, over" jj said in the same walkie talkie voice.

"Oh I heard that you little basterd" Heyward said walking out today the boat.

"We need your son" I shouted out at Heyward with my eyes still closed.

"Yeah and island rules, the day after a hurricane is a free day" jj said shrugging his shoulders.

"Who the hell made that up" Heyward said confused.

"Uhhhh, pentagon I think" jj said as he stared to did in his pockets "we have security clearance, I have a card" he said still pretending to search for a card.

"Yall think I'm stupid" hey weird said looking offended.

"Dad I'll do it tomorrow I promise" pope said Turing to look at his dad.

"No, no, no, no, hell no, you doin' it right now." Heyward said to pope not letting up.

Earning a load of "Get in the boat" "make a run for it" "come on pope" from John b jj and I.

Earn It.  - rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now