9th Ramadan

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Aslamualikum to all the sweet people out there :D 

I hope all of you had an awesomeeee day...

"Allah does not need our fasting from food and water if we cannot fast from cursing and backbiting" (Dr.Bilal Philips) 

9th Ramadan, 26 June 2015..(Friday)

Dear Diary, 

                       Life isn't like a lemonade , there are ups and downs, happiness and sadness. Sometimes you have no shoulder to cry on, but you always have a ground to put your head down and shed your tears on. ALLAH always listens and the burden will be all gone, just try and talk about your problems to ALLAH (S.W.T)... :)

It was a good day Alhamdulilah, while having suhoor its impossible that me and mahra don't fight or argue over something, if not something big i always have something to say like why have you made that face? :P and my Mama thought i have temperature or i'm near to getting sick LOL coz i was just pointing out every little thing, sometimes it happens you get crazy after waking up :P but its fun hehe...as long as it doesn't makes you cry.

My mom and dad went to shopping at afternoon for some quick grocery shopping, i wrote in the list that i want two vanilla custards Yum my favourite ♥ :D but they brought one anyways i don't mind as long as i get it :) Now i'm just acting like a little kid lol 

Here in the UAE, you won't find beggars or any poor people sitting outside somewhere on roads its against the rules, otherwise everyday i would prepare a food basket for at least someone but Alhamdulilah they set big tents in Ramadan for people who are unable to get food by themselves whether Muslims or Non-Muslims anyone can come at suhoor or iftaar and get food for free. 

so let me tell you what i cooked today, corn dogs for the first time that's the newest thing i learned. First i boiled some chicken Sausages and then for the batter i took some wheat flour, salt, baking powder, milk and one egg ...umm yeah that's it. Mixed them all and had to dip the sausages in it n fry it was a hard work coz the batter wasn't thick and so watery :P my sisters liked them, i didnt even tasted because i don't really eat sausages i always tell my sisters see how they treated the miskeen chicken and made these :p hehe 

Duaa time :) 

May Allah make us from among those who brighten up another person's path with happiness, even when our own is clouded with darkness. AMEEN YA RAB !!!

see you tomorrow Diary, 


i hope i made a few people smile today :) 

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