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( November 6th, 2038 )

IT WAS TWO HOURS LATER when Hank and Connor came back to the station.

Hank was covered in feathers.

He disappeared into the bathroom after giving Asra a muttered answer about deviant and goddamn birds when Asra asked him what had happened. Asra watched Hank leave, then turned his gaze onto Connor, who was sitting on the edge of Asra's desk like he had earlier that morning. Asra waited until Hank was fully out of sight before bursting into laughter, making Connor give him a look of confusion.

"What the hell happened? Please tell me you got pictures."

Connor shifted, expression neutral. "We had a run-in with a deviant who went under the name of Rupert. He lived in an abandoned apartment full of birds—pigeons," Connor explained. Asra nodded. "When we found him, he took off. I managed to chase him for almost a mile, but when I lost him for a few seconds, he and Lieutenant Anderson managed to get into an altercation." He gave Asra a measured look. "He threw Lieutenant Anderson over the side of the roof. I made the choice to save him from falling, and we lost the deviant when he escaped during the rescue."

Asra's shoulders had tensed the second Connor said Hank had fallen over the side of the roof. He ran his hands over his face, sitting back in his chair. He raised his eyes up to meet Connor's gaze. "Thank you," he said quietly. He silently cursed Hank for not letting him go with them—he hated being left out, and he hated it, even more, when he had to hear from someone else that Hank had nearly died or had gotten hurt during the job. Maybe if Asra was there, Connor could have captured the deviant, or maybe Asra could have gone after him himself.

But the choice had been made, and there was no altering it.

"Well, I'm here for a while. You don't have to stay if you don't want to," he said, smiling at Connor.

"It's important to make sure we're all on the same page, Detective. I'll wait with you," Connor protested. Asra nodded, turning back to his work.

Connor was a silent android. Asra supposed he shouldn't have been surprised. Every android he'd interacted with has been quiet unless they were spoken to or had news to report, but Asra was surprised at how easily he was able to lose himself in his work and forget that Connor was there. Even when Hank came back and sat down at his own desk, Asra remained engrossed in his work, typing away at his computer as he did his report on the day's events. It was almost an hour later, at 6:30 p.m., that Hank stood, collecting his things and giving Asra a look from his desk.

"Detective?" Connor spoke up, startling Asra enough that he jumped and promptly banged his knees onto the bottom of the desk, sending shooting pain up his legs.

"Ow, fuck," he grumbled.

"Lieutenant Anderson needs you," Connor pointed out. Asra sighed, looking at Hank, who rolled his eyes.

"You coming home tonight or hanging out with those two?" he asked, inclining his head to the people behind Asra. Asra turned in his chair, catching sight of Gavin and Chris standing at Chris' desk, talking casually. He hesitated but figured it would be good to talk with Gavin about what had happened that morning. It was better to get the awkward situation and apology out of the way now instead of weeks from now. He stood, approaching the two of them.

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