Terra Fighters VS Enran

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Killdra armed himself with angelic guns and blades. He grins as he looks at himself in a nearby mirror. Thor and Melani go up to him. Thor looks at him up and down. "Mmmm..you look good." she says with a grin. Melani nods in agreement. "You do. The weapons surprisingly match you." she laughs. Killdra laughs as well. Aklahn went over to Neon. "how's our baby doing?" he asks. "Orion is doing well. I can't wait for you to see him." she smiles. "He has your eyes and that adorable nose of yours." he chuckles a bit. "Can I visit Orion after we're done with this? Visit him more often?" Neon smiles even more and nods. "Of course Aklahn." once the group had gotten their things ready Killdra gets in a brand new ship with the others. "Now heres the game plan. The angels will obviously be going to the main ship to take them down but for our plan we're gonna draw him out by himself." they all nod. "Thor, I want you to try and get that guy that hit us away from Enran. Aklahn,you're gonna be the skill and powerhouse in this equation. You're gonna try and wear down Enran with me. Myrtle and Melani, you guys are on ship control. You don't let anyone get through the ship." the two nod. "Alright Terra's,let's fuck shit up!"

Enran was in his ship,still looking for them while the boy who had forcefully shot the beam at the Terra Fighters was now being turned into a weapon through magic. Enran had turned the boy into a diamond. It was now purple. Enran headed over to the lab on the ship and grabbed the diamond. "Got it." he chuckles lightly. "I'll absolutely destroy them." he grins as he now puts it in his staff. The staff began to evolve into somewhat of a giant hammer. He walks over to the front of the ship and soon saw the angels coming out of the castle. "Ah, my friend Neon is probably helping with finding the Terra Fighters." he says. The Angels fly towards the ship while Enran smiles until one of them throws a spear into the window hitting one of his troops. Enran's eyes widened. "Oh you bitch.. Fire! Valentino, Ronan, with me!" Ronan was an android and had large hands. She was pretty fast and was a rabid creature with jagged teeth. She was green as well and was tall as well as skinny. Valentino and Ronan headed out with Enran while the angels began hitting the ship. Killdra's ship flew out with all of them getting ready. "You all ready?" asks Killdra. They all nod. Thor quickly flies out while Aklahn flies out as well. Killdra follows behind. Thor throws her hammer,bashing an entrance into the ship before quickly catching in. they all fly in. The three began to look around while other troops were getting their weapons ready and were now getting ready to go after the angels. Killdra sniffs the air and follows his scent. They all followed quickly before finding the room where the boy had been in. "I smelled him but I didn't see him." Killdra says. "Well maybe you're-" before Thor could finish her sentence she gets blasted by a purple beam.

They all turned now seeing Enran wielding the diamond in the massive hammer. "You thought you could kill me? I'm going to kill all of you and dance on your graves." he says as his eyes glow purple. "Ooo,morbid. Anyways, Aklahn let's break his fucking skull." he smirks. Aklahn nods. "With pleasure." he says as he leaps high in the air,taking out his sword. His sword clashes with Enran's staff causing a loud thoom sound. Aklahn glares as he had his sword still up to Enran's staff. "You threatened my kid,now I'm gonna make sure you get the worst pain imaginable!" Enran laughs then blasts him away as Killdra fires at him with his blasters. Thor throws Mjlonir at Enran,sending him toppling backwards. Thor leaps at him along with Aklahn and slam both of their weapons on his staff which causes the whole place to explode. On the outside Myrtle and Melani were firing at the other ships. Melani fired at a ship that was also headed for a civilian then flew off to another one before seeing one part of the place exploding. She flies towards it. "What happened now? My ears are still ringing off of that last explosion." she says. "I think they're in trouble. Let's pay a little visit." they flew towards the ship. Enran soon got up while all three began to get up as well. They got ready to fight once more until Killdra's ship came crashing in,hitting Enran and sending him flying. Melani soon climbed out along with Myrtle and went to the others. "You guys okay?" asks Myrtle. "Alot better than him." says Aklahn. They all waited for Enran to get up and he soon did. "Of course." says Thor. he then lifts up his hammer. "I will do everything in my power to make sure you're dead!"

He yells as he slams his hammer into the ground causing the whole ship to collapse. He flies out and goes back into the city. Aklahn puts a forcefield around them all,huddling them together. Once the ship crashed and exploded, the forcefield ball that Aklahn had around them rolled out with incredible speed and popped as they all went tumbling to the ground. The citizens watched in horror. Enran walks out of the rubble. "I will destroy you all whether I kill the people on this planet or not!" he raises his hammer as the citizens start to scream. A rock gets thrown to his head which causes him to slowly turn to Killdra. He began humming. "Push it to the limit! Walk along the razor's edge,don't look down just keep your head up!" he begins dancing which more so confused Enran. Melani got up as she held her arm. Killdra looks at her and reaches out an arm to her to dance with her. "Mel!" she quickly shook her head. "Subtle,take it back." he continues dancing. Enran laughs. "Oh this was funny but jesus christ you're an idiot!" he yells out. "My bad did my distraction work?" he looks at Killdra confused. He then turns, seeing Thor and Aklahn ready to fire a blast at him. They both destroy the hammer. The hammer shattered like glass since the two gods concentrated both of their powers at the same time. The diamond flew out. Enran went to grab it but Killdra quickly snatches it which causes a massive vortex. There was purple energy going everywhere. He screams out in pain as his body starts surging with pain. He almost makes it fall out of his hand but he keeps it tightly in his palm. As he tried to get control of it,Melani was moving towards him. "Killdra!" she yells out. He grits his teeth as Melani grabs his hand which caused the power to go to her as well. The two were now screaming in pain. Thor soon came over to them and grabbed onto Killdra's other hand,now gritting her teeth. The two girls held his hands tightly. Aklahn grabs onto Melani's shoulder while Myrtle grabbed onto Thor's hand. They all stood there with power coursing through their veins.

Enran had his eyes wide. "What did I promise?" says Aklahn. Enran goes to kill Killdra with the broken hammer but Killdra easily sent a blast from the diamond which caused Enran to explode. Aklahn quickly used his magic to contain the diamond before Myrtle takes out an orb and puts the diamond inside of it. Everything soon went back to the way it was. 

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