Chapter 12

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Taehyung  nervously waited outside jungkook's room.he is afraid to knock on the door.but he has to do it quickly otherwise Lilly will scold him again.he was standing there for the past 10 minutes by thinking what should do."be confident taehyung you are here for taking laundri" he told to himself and  knocked the door with his shivering hands.It took few more minutes for jungkook to open the door.when he saw taehyung is on the door his anger rise in him.

He punched taehyung on his the force of unexpected punch taehyung lost his balance and he fell down to the floor.tears falls from his eyes .He folded his hands together and whispered  "so rr y..iam so rr y  don't hurt me" he is so scared.Jungkook shouts at him "HOW DARE YOU TO COME TO MY ROOM? I TOLD YOU TO DONT COME NEAR ME WHY DID YOU COME HERE ?? he again tried to punch him.taehyung move backward by crying and told him "please si r don't   hu rt  me iam sorry"

"Your sorry is not enough you piece of sh*t,you have ruined my life.a lowlife like you come and ruin my life.i will not let you breath wait and see and one more thing, don't you dare to come to my room you don't have any right to come near me.if you are planning to seduce me it will never work.YOU DISGUST ME  hear me you DISGUST me".

Taehyung feels his heart break more.he cried silently by trying to suppress his emotion.he wants to disappear at this moment it self.

"Iam so rr y .please iam so  so r r y.I came for ta k ing yo ur lau nd ri.he replied while stuttering and crying."you listen here fuc*r don't ever enter in to my room.I don't want you to come for any excuses I will tell this to Choi.dont come near me.if I have to see you near my room one more time then I will killyou.Understood?  you goldigger.I know people like you, you are trying to get any opportunity to sleep with someone to become rich.You worthless sh*t. Now go away.go to hell" he shouted again.taehyung stood up suddenly and ran to his room suddenly .on the way he saw Lilly and Mary are standing near the stair case while smirking.

Taehyung came to his room and closed the door and cried.he can feel he is going to get Panic attack.he is not able to breath.he curled down to his bed by clutching his heart.he felt so alone.he don't wants to live like one is there to support him to talk to him dearly.he is not expecting more.only kindness can they show him?is it really his fault that he married him.he is also a victim.
He cried silently by hugging him self.he is afraid to die.or else he would have tried  that long back. He wants to live at least for one day he wants to live.wants to feel wanted.wantsbto feel secure.wants to understand how the feel of  belonged to someone.he wants that person who can love him with all his shortcomings all his good and bad. With the fact that he had no one that person should love him as his own.taehyung also wants to give all his love to that person.right  now the only relation he has in this world is his husband.even if his husband don't wants him now,he will love his husband. He will change his mind.he will change is view about him.he is not goldigger.hebis not looking for rich husband. He only wants that person who married him.he is seeing jungkook as his husband.not  because he is from rich family.its only because in this world he is only related to jungkook.That is his truth.he can't try before talking to jungkook properly.before feeling the  care from his husband.he needs to live.
He remembered his teacher told him.he used the same mantra again.otherthan that he doesn't know what he will do.

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