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I still remember seeing him at the Airport before I left for Nadia. He was waiting for his Private Jet. He looked dreamy as if I could drown in his eyes for an eternity and never get bored. The man everyone dreamed of marrying. You could say I fell in love at first sight with The Prince.   

I was greeted by the driver holding my name on a banner. I approached the old man,

"Greetings Doctor Kelly, I shall be your Escort. Please follow me" The old man kindly said.

I slightly nodded my head with a small smile. I never had such an escort in my entire life, so it was a new experience for me.

It was a long and tiring day, which caused me to sleep the entire drive to the Palace.

I was awakened by the voice of The old man, " Miss we have arrived "

I slowly opened my eyes to see the surroundings, It was majestic. The Palace was surrounded by Huge and beautiful gardens stretching beyond the eye can capture. The sun was shining brightly with the soft wind blowing. There I saw him again, talking to his assistant. Did he come to greet me, that's what I thought for a moment. Wind was blowing his soft hair to the side, I could see his long eyelashes clashing with each other, His brown eyes shining with the sunlight. I was so busy staring that I ignored the entire staff of the Palace waiting in front of me in a line. He was so pretty was the last thought I had before I turned my attention to the people in front of me.

I bowed at the staff while they greeted me with smiles.

The Palace was a Beauty. Not only the outside but the interior too. Huge chandeliers lined the entire hallway, with big vases of white lilies could be seen near the wall. The doors were made with intricate designs lined with gold, The windows were opened making sure to not block the sunlight from entering the Palace. The entire place was twinkling as if golden powder was sprinkled in the air, making it more magical to the eye of the beholder.

A gasp escaped from my mouth when I saw the ballroom. I was given a tour by the head maid and the entire time I was awestruck by the entire Palace. Not until she showed me the Garden, that kept my mouth hanged open. The head maid released a small chuckle upon seeing my shocked face. 

She said, " It was made by Prince Jen for The Late Princess. This was the place where she spent most of her time while waiting for the Prince. It's filled with the favorite flowers of The Princess, the White Lily" 

"Oh, who would not love this garden? a garden gifted by your lover" Oh how I wish someone would do that for me. (of course, I did not say that to the maid but still, it was one of my desires to be loved the way The prince loved the princess)

The Headmaid showed me my room. after formally thanking her for the tour, I jumped on the soft, fluffy Bed. everything smelled fresh and flowery. This scent was of a particular flower. It was Lily. Prince Jen loved his wife. I said with a smile on my face, but deep in my heart it still hurt (just a bit).

The bed was really comfortable, I was not able to resist the sleep that was consuming me slowly. In my ears, a soft tune was playing while I dozed off to sleep with my headphones on. (Margaret- Lana Del Rey)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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