Part 21

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When I picked up the call, the first thing I heard was my husband's angry voice, yelling, "Finally! Do you know how worried I was when I couldn't contact you?"

I almost laughed at that. He was worried? Worried?! That fucker forced himself on me then acted like my disappearance worried him? He was insane, I was sure about it.

"Oh really?" I retorted dryly, getting a curious glance from my Duke who was right beside me as I talked to my 'husband'. He was busy stroking my back as I sat snuggled against his bare chest and quietly listened to my conversation. "And why would you be worried?" I asked boredly. I wanted to know if that scumbag even remembered what he did to me, but my gut feeling told me he didn't. Still, I wanted to confirm my suspicions.

"What do you mean 'why'? You disappeared so suddenly then sent your lawyer with the divorce papers, and then you avoided all my calls and messages. I couldn't even find you at work, because no one would tell me where you are. Look, if this is about me getting drunk that day, then I'm sorry. I had some issues and got drunk. I will apologize if I made a mistake in that state, but why don't we talk about it instead of acting like children?" he rambled, and I quickly understood that he really didn't remember what he did.

He said 'I will apologize if I did something wrong'... he really fucking said that. He didn't know what he did. He didn't remember anything from that fucking night and he had the audacity to act like nothing happened.

"You're fucking shitting me," I chuckled bitterly, feeling my Duke's hands tighten around me in silent anger. "Just sign the divorce papers, will you? I don't want to talk to you."

"Then tell me what the issue is! Do you really have to be like this?"

"Don't call me again and sign the papers. The sooner you do it, the sooner you'll get your settlement money. Don't unnecessarily drag this out."

"What is the reason? What changed? Why do I have to suddenly-" he shouted but I hung up the phone. I didn't feel the need to listen to him anymore. He felt no regret for raping me. Well, how could he, when he didn't even remember doing that?

"He doesn't even know what he did..." my Duke muttered in disbelief then hugged me close to his chest. "Oh, my Queen, how did you end up with him of all people... I should've married you years ago to save you from this tragedy," he confessed somberly, kissing my head softly.

"We should've gotten married the day I turned eighteen. I could've avoided so much shit," I told him truthfully. At that moment I really regretted not marrying my Duke when he first suggested it years prior. He had tried to convince me to get married when I first ran from home, but I didn't feel ready for such commitment and turned him down. We'd been enjoying our platonic relationship for years, but then I ended up marrying someone else for money I didn't even owe.

"It's alright, my love. When you get your divorce, we can immediately register our marriage and you will be free from everyone trying to force you into something like this again."

"I'm hoping for that. I never thought I'd get married like this, and this whole situation only made me appreciate what I had even more. I don't want a husband unless it's you."

"I'm glad to hear it, my Queen. Now let's hope that idiot will sign the papers quickly and then you can be mine."

"Guess I won't be able to call you my Duke anymore. You'll be promoted to a King," I joked lightly, trailing my lips all over his neck. I wanted him again.

And he wanted me. I could feel the proof of it against my hip. He was hard and ready for me. I quickly straddled him and impaled myself on his dick, trying to push out the memory of my husband's member from my mind. I didn't want to associate sex with him anymore and the best way to do that was to fuck my Duke senseless until I forgot all about the fateful night.

My Duke was all for it. He left me nearly crippled by the time we were done. We fucked like rabbits for days, taking only a few breaks occasionally, but we would soon be back at it again.

Unfortunately, our sweet time was soon ruined. It was around five weeks since the night my husband raped me when I suddenly felt sick. I almost puked on my Duke during sex, but thankfully I managed to rush to the bathroom. At first I thought I simply got an upset stomach after eating the take-out earlier...

It wasn't just that.

My Duke went to the drugstore and brought back five different tests for me. When I saw the results, my knees buckled under me and I fell, only to be caught by my Duke. He was distraught when he saw the state I was in then looked at the tests laid out on the bathroom counter. He almost fainted himself.

"Oh my god..." he muttered under his breath and looked at me in pure shock. "Don't tell me it's his..."

"Well, unless your vasectomy got undone, I don't know who else could be the father."

"You're pregnant with him... Jesus Christ, this shit just got so much worse," my Duke sighed heavily then led me to the bed and helped me lie down. "My Queen, I don't know what to tell you..." he breathed sadly, holding my hand tenderly and kissing it lightly.

He didn't know what to say... I didn't know what to think. I was carrying that scumbag's child in my womb. He not only raped me but also impregnated me. I was in deep shit. I had no idea how to get out of that situation.

"Don't worry, my love. If you want to keep the child, I will help you raise it as mine. And if you want to abort it, I will find the best place to do it," my Duke assured me with a sad smile, knowing how messy that situation was.

"I don't want it. I would never be able to love it. Not when it was forced on me like that," I confessed honestly before I burst into tears of frustration. How the fuck did everything do so wrong so quickly?

I was in deep shit. I was pregnant. My husband still didn't sign the papers and kept putting it off indefinitely, so we were still legally married. And if that wasn't enough, my sister was about to marry my husband's cousin so he could get the shares his grandfather was supposed to give to the child.

I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I couldn't let my husband know about the pregnancy. He would never sign the divorce papers if he knew about it. He wanted a kid as much as his cousin did. They both wanted those shares because it would strengthen their position as the company's CEO.

And I had no doubt my husband would try to use the kid he put in me to achieve his goal. He didn't deserve to save his seat as the boss. He didn't deserve to enjoy the luxurious life he had. I wanted him to feel despair and agony, not enjoy fatherhood.

I was about to lose my mind. Never before had I been in such trouble. And to make matters worse, I had no idea how to get out of it.

It seemed like there was no way out. I felt trapped. And I didn't like it. I wanted everything to be over as soon as possible.

A month later, I went to my husband's house with some of my trusted men to pack my things. I couldn't possibly live there anymore, but at the same time I didn't want to leave my personal items there. I didn't trust the people there to not snoop around my stuff. I knew the bastard wasn't there at that time of the day, so I wasn't worried about coincidentally running into him.

I may have been lucky enough to not run into my husband as I packed my belongings, but I didn't expect to see my sister there. She came with her soon-to-be husband – my husband's cousin – and strolled around the house like she owned it. I could tell she was pregnant thanks to the small bump on her belly, which explained her haughty behavior.

Just like I was surprised to see her so suddenly after almost four months of absolute silence, she was seemingly shocked to see me there as well.

Her shock, however, soon turned into anger.

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