Chapter 6 // Soup

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*All dialog will be in Russian :D*

"Well.." Russia thought for a moment, frowning. "There is a school dance coming up. Everything else is normal as always." 

"Any fights? Did America try anything again?" I ask, feeling concerned. 

"Not really, he avoided me for some reason." Russia stretched his back and layed on my bed. I sat beside him but didn't lay beside him. I smiled at him. My throat ached when I tried to swallow, it was annoying. "Why didn't you come to school?"

I sniffed. "Felt sick." I didn't want to get him sick, so I moved a bit so I kept a safe distance from him. 

"That's why you were napping?" 

"I guess so." I tried to attempt swallowing again, but it hurt. Russia clicked his teeth. "I'll get some medicine for you."

"Nononono.." I murmured. "I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine...." Russia rolled his eyes and walked out of my room. I didn't want him to leave.. especially after.. what I saw. I stood up and followed him. But, he didn't go to out cabinet with all our pills and medicine. 

He went to the kitchen instead.

**{Russia POV}**

I walked into the kitchen. I'm gonna take care of my sister.. the only one that actually cares. To be truthful, I barely come into the kitchen, unless for a snack. Bela does the cooking, Ukie does the cleaning. I do the rest, sometimes I'm the dishwasher, because... I honestly don't know.

Back on the topic, I'm gonna make Bela some soup. The thing is, since I'm rarely in the kitchen, I have no idea where anything even is. I guess I'm going to have to call Ukie.

"Uuuuuuukieeee! Where are the bowls??" I call out. But, there's no answer. So I call again, only louder. "Ukieeeeeee! Where are the bowls?"

No answer, again. How annoying. I suppose I'll look by myself then. But I honestly what's up with Ukie to ignore me that much...

Hey everyone!! I know I ignored this story for a while, but that was because I was busy..  I'm back now, and I have some changes for this story.

So, I basically quit the countryhumans fandom.. because I realized what was wrong with it. And I realized, many people have their opinions on ships. I was going to add a ship, or multiple in the story. But now, I think, this story is better off without the ships. You all can ship whatever, I'm not going to press the ships in the book. So the previous chapters may have some interactions, with fluff, let's just ignore that all happened, okay?

Thanks for reading this short chapter!!

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