Chapter 5

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Allison stood next to Scott's mom looking for some way to help, she hated feeling useless but she couldn't budge the heavy vending machines the guys were stacking against the glass at the front of the room. A tall cop had joined them a minute or two ago... a few others had followed. Most of the people in the room seemed frozen, Allison wasn't sure if it was fear or disbelief.

Melissa had put out the call for a lock down... The response hadn't been terribly favorable, in fact there hadn't been much response at all, probably do to a lack of staff, so she had sent the other 2 nurses to close and lock the other doors into the Emergency Department. Which meant now there wasn't much for her to do either.

"What's going on?" Melissa asked her "I haven't seen Scott this worried in the long time."

"Apparently there are zombies." Allison couldn't help the slight shiver. The zombie movies she'd watched never ended well.

"Zombies? Really?" She shook her head with sense of resignation "well that's new."

"Right." Allison smiled slightly at the easy acceptance.

"So... you were-" Melissa began.

"Dead?" Allison nodded nervously "Yeah I'm trying to figure that out myself."

"But you're not..." Melissa gestured vaguely at the door.

"As far as I know" Allison held out her arm "You want to check?"

"No... No its fine." She smiled "it's good to see you. Your dad will be so happy."

Something slammed violently into the barricade the boys were building causing both of them to jump slightly.

"We need more d*** furniture!" The blond kid yelled.

"There'll be beds in the back." Scott suggested.

At that moment his phone started to ring. Instinctively Scott pulled it out pausing to stare at it in surprise.

"Come on" someone called him.

Scott turned to run after them, but brushed past Allison as he went and tossed her the phone "It's Stiles!" he called over his shoulder.

She fumbled with the phone for a moment before answering "Hello?"

"Allison?" His shocked voice responded after a moment. "Oh Sh** we really ARE dead."

"I feel pretty alive right now actually."

"No I mean... You are... " He stumbled to a stop clearly trying to gather his thoughts "You're not the only dead person whose not dead anymore apparently. Like half the people I'm with are or were or... also apparently Spiderman broke the afterlife. No Offense" he added to someone else.


"I know, right?" Stiles chuckled nervously "It's been a weird night. But I'm assuming Scott's with you. You don't just have his phone right?"

"He's moving furniture right now." Which sounded ridiculous the moment she said it.

"Furniture?" Stiles sound distinctly confused.

"To keep out the zombies." Allison shook her head. Why was she so bad at explaining this.

"There are zombies too?!" Now he sounded horrified.

"Yeah apparently." She shuttered as the barricade trembled again!

Beds were being stacked around the vending machines to completely cover the glass wall that was the entrance to the ER. The two toned kid encased the hospital beds in white hot flame melting them together as the others placed them. The darked haired kid... green haired under the harsh lights used black misty tentacles to help hold them in place until they were secured.

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