We're not welcome

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Anne: So Alex how can we finish this comic book we have to get back before Hailey notices Alex: IDK... let's just wait...

                                                                              Hailey's POV

Anne, Alex it is time to walk Nixie do y'all want to come. Anne, alex?

                                                                            Anne's POV

Anne: So we just wait? Alex: Yeah we have to wait till they come. Anne: Wait who's they Alex? Alex: Just wait you'll see.  Anne: um Alex who's that? ???: well well well we have visitors guys lets take them to our king. Anne: um sir we're not travelers we're lost. ???: Your going to see our king he'll say what to do with you two. Anne: Who are you by the way? ???: Call me Titan we're almost there.  Anne: Titan who is this king you speak of? Titan: He is our champion our ruler no one has been able to defeat him.  Anne: So you guys rule whoever can defeat your champion.  Titan: yes now we are here.  My king we found these two in the forest you get to choose what to do with them. King: So you found them in the forest they could be spies.  Anne: we're not spies we're just lost.  King: So you two could be my challengers for the fight everyone got to scared to fight me.  Anne: Um sure I guess. King: Then it is settled I will let you two get ready meet me in the arena in one hour.  Anne: Ok so Alex I have a plan.  Alex: what is it?  Anne: we still have our netherite armor and swords so we can use them for the fight.  Alex: That's a great idea.

Survivors: A Story to Tell (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now