The Battle

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                                                                                       Anne's POV

One hour has passed and me and Alex now have to fight the King said that we could use weapons that we already had he  doesn't really know what netherite is so he may lose especially because our weapons are enchanted and our armor too...   So we are probably going to win.   Titan: It is time follow me by the way don't tell the  king this but I really hope y'all win because the king is very rude. Anyway good luck. Announcer: Who is ready to meet the kings challengers Anne and Alex.  A me and Alex went in to the fighting ring the king was surprised to see us with netherite armor and swords.  King: What is this purple armor and sword that you guy's have.  Alex: It is netherite where we come from ha it everywhere it is the strongest material we ever seen.  King: So then let the fight begin.  The king was very strong but not strong enough our swords  clashed against each other Alex  distracted him and I hit his back and with that he ended the fight.  King: well well well I guess I overrated netherite. We could really use some. Alex: We don't have any right now.  King: Well a deal is a deal off you go. Anne: Alex what is that AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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