Folie II Part 25

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The night after their ethereal tryst over the lake, Kyle woke up with Demina's ghost; her hands still wrapped around him. His own arms were wrapped around her shoulders and back. They were lying in the back of his pickup, beneath his sleeping bag, fully clothed and dry. Demina still looked alive – no longer ghastly or transparent. She felt warm too ... and he could feel her heart beating against his chest...

'Are you ... really alive again?' he whispered in her ear.

She sighed and shook her head slowly.

'I wish ...' she said kissing his cheek. 'This is just an effect of the co-possession spell.'

'So ... only I can see you ...?'

'Yeah ... you, Angie and anyone else that I want to see my ghost.'

Demina's ghost let go of Kyle and sat up.

'Come on, let's take a walk in the woods ... I want to show you what else is new ...' she told him.

The two left the pickup and ventured into the nearby forest surrounding the camping grounds of the lake.

'Okay ... we're far enough away from any prying eyes,' Demina said when they were a mile into the woods. 'So ... I'm going to possess your body now ... but It won't be like any of the other times I've done it before ... You won't pass out and the experience may be uncomfortable at first. So ... brace yourself.'

'Cool ...' Kyle said as he inhaled and exhaled slowly.

Demina's ghost became transparent and floated into Kyle's body ...

She was right ... the feeling was unlike anything he'd felt before.

His head ached as his eyes became watery; his sight blurry. Then the muscles throughout his body began to vibrate as a strong charge swept through them ... He felt hot, like his blood was boiling. His breathing became erratic ... short and stressed ... He felt a burning sensation in his lungs and chest. He heard a loud whizzing sound ringing through his ears ... something like a siren ... His stomach churned ... he felt nauseated ... dizzy and disoriented ...

Then, when the painful sensations had passed ... he felt a wave of lukewarm bliss sweeping through his body ... The sweet and spicy scent of lotus petals and jasmine floated into his nostrils as he breathed much easier now. His muscles remained charged, only now he felt cooler, his body lighter. His hearing became sharper – he could pick up the sound of leaves billowing in the breeze for miles around, bugs crawling beneath the bark of trees, the wings of birds flapping through the sky above, the stream of water flowing down a nearby river.

He could feel a lot more too ... emotions that weren't altogether his ... silent thoughts that soothed and calmed him down ... and a loving presence that ebbed and flowed through his nerves; the waves and crests of its motion mimicking the beat of his heart ...

'Demina ... is that you ...?' he asked.

Hey there ... you okay ...? Demina's ghastly voice asked as her thoughts floated into his mind's awareness ...

'Yeah ... that was weird ... but I'm alright – better than alright – I feel great!' Kyle replied ecstatically.

The spell was a success ... The Sisters of the Cayote have blessed our union ... Our co-possession of your body is now possible. Which means you can use my power and abilities to a limited extent ... Demina said.

'Awesome ...' Kyle said glancing down at the open palms of his hands. 'So – just what kind of supernatural mayhem can I get up to?'

See that boulder over there ...? Demina asked him.

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