Folie II Part 33

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Sometime after dawn, Angie and Demina's ghost traveled to the City of Industry in San Gabriel Valley; to the abandoned factory warehouse where they had formally met Kyle for the first time ... and where Demina had hidden the two blocks of ectoplasmic resin that contained her body and that of Elise's clone.

'So,' Angie asked that cold morning, '... what do you want to try first?'

'The clone is barely alive ...' Demina told her. 'She was put in a catatonic state and is basically brain dead ... so we can't use Chuwen like we did with Elise's head to access her mind. That's where Manik and Kimi come in.'

'How so?'

'Well, as you remember Kimi, the Violet Sister and Ehb's twin, had a precognitive ability. She could basically see into past events using her clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairvoyant senses. We will be combining her abilities with Manik's; the Red-Orange Sister whose psychometric ability allowed her to use objects as psychic tools.'

'Okay, so ... I'll be using both spells simultaneously?'

'No, that's not possible ... well, at least not for a novice medium like you. You'll use Manik first and turn the clone into a kind of compass across space-time that Kimi will then let you navigate to the specific moments in the body's past that we're looking for. It's much easier in practice than it is to explain. So, you ready to give it a go?'

'Yeah ... no time like the present,'

'Okay ... this maybe creepy for you ... but first you'll have to lie down on top of the clone's body ...'

Angie closed her eyes and sighed heavily ... then she climbed on top of the block of resin. She lay there, face-up, directly above the clone.

'Okay ... now place your hands on the surface of the block and call upon Manik,' Demina instructed.

Angie took a few deep breaths in and out as she slid her hands across the slick surface of the resin ... and muttered Manik. A yellow and orange sigil appeared on her forehead as she felt a tingling sensation spreading from her head, down her spine and throughout her body. Her consciousness was expanding ... the electromagnetic-field of energy in her body merging with that of the block of resin and the body of the clone within it ...

'Whoa,' she said with a chilly exhale.

'How do you feel?' Demina asked as she looked down at her sister with an expression of concern.

'Like the clone and I are ... in one body ... actually I can't really tell which of the two I'm actually in ... it's super weird,' Angie told her.

'Okay, it seems Manik has successfully tethered the silver chord of your soul to the solar plexus of the clone's body,' Demina explained. 'You can now call upon Kimi,'

Angie took several more deep breaths in and out and summoned Kimi ...

As the sigil on her forehead transformed in a violet flash, Angie's consciousness was fully transported into the clones' body. Similar to when she had used Chuwen, she was transported into a dreamy world ...

She was standing in a bathroom, before a mirror and sink. Staring back at her was the wet face of a 23 year-old young woman who bore an identical resemblance to Elise Cartwright. She had short and curly hair that had been dyed pink; Kimi's sigil was glowing slightly just above her brows. She wore blue scrubs; a label on the pocket over her right breast bore the name ... Xanna Williamson.

What do you see now? Demina's ghastly voice called out in an ethereal tone ...

'I'm in a bathroom ... somewhere,' Angie spoke through Xanna as she slowly made her way towards the window and looked out of it; it was late in the afternoon and the sun was setting. 'I know this place ... it's a hospital I've interned at before ... I'm in the Peter Morton Medical Building ... not far from UCLA.'

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