Sub Specie Amoris

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There is no greatest love
than a scorned love.
A beggar at a door
calling softly
for fear of the Furies
and the scorching suns of Avernus.
A perennial lighthouse
never defeated by winds,
spinning in the night,
searching and moaning,
its flame aglow
piercing the darkness,
everlasting, everlasting.

There is no greatest love than
a scorned love.
Offered as a hand
trembling and brimming
of tender, scented
petals, disposed
on a white table
served and silent.
That always smiles,
that never blasphemes.
That names in whispers
such as a faithful penitent
willing to bow
swallowing its prayers,
so patient, so patient.

There is no greatest love
than a scorned love.
There is no greatest love,
there is no love.
The rest just vain roses
of abstruse lust.

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