The Endless March

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Don't push.
Your time is coming.
Don't eat your heart
and don't be bewildered,
don't make waves
where the big
and their feverish
and resentful
spread out their sharp
nets to fish
in troubled waters.
Leave your ticket at the entrance
and just sit down
until things
ripen enough.
Do you think democracy
was build
in a single day?
Do you think the dream
of equality
is accomplished by dint
of criticizing everything and everyone?
What's one hundred or two,
or maybe a million years
till the final victory?
The time will come when
great avenues will again be opened
and will pass the free man
(and woman and every related gender,
by the way).
Chew the bullets, avoid them
or embrace them,
while we clean the house
and get the revolution ready.
Sign promissory notes and ask for loans
so you can keep up
among so much waiting
that seems already an old wives' tale.
It's coming already.
Don't worry.
You will barely notice it.
It will be a turn of the nut
between the financial speculation
of the morning
and the red twilight
of the proletariat biting dust
and ashes
at the end of a tough day.
Then it will come,
in some imprecise point
in the future
that is already approaching
in leaps and bounds
on this endless
and vague
wait behind the scene,
behind the glass windows
of banks
or finance companies,
or just
join to the eternal
of the people
on the streets,
because the seats
under the great
Congress halls
and Presidential Houses
are already taken.

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