chapter 10

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Chapter 10: The Beginning of an Adventure

jungkook pov

As I lounged in my hotel room, my phone buzzed with a new message, interrupting my thoughts. With a quick swipe, I opened it to find a reply from Arianna-the very person who had been occupying my mind since last night.

"Hey, Jungkook!" her message read. "I'd love to meet up. Where were you thinking?"

A surge of excitement courced through me as I read her words. She wanted to meet up. With me. But as I sat there, staring at the message, a wave of uncertainty washed over me. Where should we meet? What time?

Fumbling with my phone, I quickly typed out a reply, my fingers shaking slightly with nerves. "Hey, Arianna," I wrote. "How about we meet at Hyde Park? There's a nice café there called Serendipity. Does 2 p.m. work for you?"

With the message sent, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. Today was the day I would finally meet my soulmate, and the thought alone filled me with a sense of anticipation and joy.

But as I prepared to leave, a thought struck me. We needed a secluded spot to avoid being mobbed by fans. With that in mind, I quickly sent another message to Arianna.

"Also, let's meet at the secluded area near the café entrance," I added. "I'll be wearing a face mask, sunglasses, and a cap to keep a low profile."

With the logistics sorted out, I felt a renewed sense of confidence. Today would be the start of something special, and I was determined to make it memorable.

Before leaving the hotel, I met up with my hyungs, discussing my plans to meet Arianna. Their advice and encouragement bolstered my spirits, and I set off for Hyde Park with a sense of determination.

As I arrived at the park, I checked my watch nervously. 15 minutes had passed, and there was still no sign of Arianna. I scanned the area anxiously, searching for any sign of her familiar figure.

And then, I spotted her-a familiar face in the crowd, making her way towards me. A smile spread across my lips as I watched her approach, my heart pounding with anticipation.

arianna pov

The message from Jungkook sat illuminated on my screen, a beacon of hope and nerves all rolled into one. My heart fluttered with excitement as I read his words. He wanted to meet up. The thought made me giddy, but it also sent waves of nervousness crashing through me.

"Holy cow, Arianna! What did he say?" Sarah asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"He wants to meet up at Hyde Park!" I exclaimed, trying to contain the whirlwind of emotions bubbling inside me.

My mind raced with a million thoughts. What should I wear? What if I said something silly? What if he didn't like me in person? The doubts threatened to overwhelm me, but my friends were quick to offer their support.

"Don't worry, Ari. You're going to look amazing no matter what you wear," Sofia reassured me, her voice filled with confidence.

Hannah nodded in agreement. "Yeah, just be yourself. Jungkook already likes you, remember?"

Their words brought a sense of calm over me, and I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. They were right. I just needed to be myself.

With my friends' encouragement, I rummaged through my wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit. After what felt like hours of deliberation, I finally settled on a casual yet stylish ensemble-a flowy blouse paired with skinny jeans and ankle boots.

As I got dressed, my phone buzzed with another message from Jungkook, confirming the time and place for our meeting. A surge of excitement washed over me, but I couldn't shake the nervous flutter in my stomach.

"What should I write back?" I asked my friends, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Hannah took my phone with a reassuring smile. "Leave it to me," she said, her fingers flying across the screen as she typed out a reply. "There, all set!"

I read over her message-a simple yet friendly confirmation of our plans-and felt a wave of gratitude wash over me. With my friends by my side, I knew I could conquer anything, even meeting my soulmate for the first time.

With my outfit decided and my nerves somewhat calmed, I made my way to Hyde Park, anticipation buzzing in my veins. When I arrived, I spotted Jungkook waiting for me near the café entrance, his cap pulled low over his eyes.

As I approached him, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Today was the day-the day I would finally meet Jungkook. With a nervous smile, I greeted him, my heart pounding in my chest.

He returned my smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth as he took in my appearance. I had changed into a sleek bodysuit and jeans, paired with converse and delicate jewelry. My long, silky brown hair cascaded down my back, reaching all the way to my bum.

"Hey, Arianna," Jungkook said, his voice soft but filled with excitement. "You look beautiful."

A blush rose to my cheeks at his compliment, and I felt a surge of confidence wash over me. Today was the start of something , and I couldn't wait to see where it would take us

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