The Time Operation Bechloe/Bloe Happened

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A/N: This has some slight mature content (this was so hard for me to write heh) so if you're not comfortable with it, I'm sorry.

It was frustrating.

The Bellas couldn't believe just how oblivious Beca was to Chloe's waaaay obvious affections for her when she clearly felt the same for the redhead.

Beca did things with Chloe that she never would with the other Bellas. The brunette allowed the redhead to get up in her personal space, though she'd probably hurt anybody else who got more than a metre near her. Those massive headphones she didn't let anybody touch but Chloe, the way she'd perk up at the mention of the redhead, the idiotic grins the brunette had on her face while eyeing Chloe when she thought nobody was seeing - it. Was. Just. So. Damn. Freaking. Obvious.

And the Bellas hadn't been quiet about their thoughts on the duo, either. Fat Amy had once gone up to Beca in the middle of a break, smirking at what - or more precisely, who - the brunette was concentrated on, saying, "You so have the hots for Captain Red over there."

Beca had vehemently denied it, but if the red in her cheeks were anything to go by, she totally did, as Fat Amy had so eloquently put it, 'have the hots for Captain Red'.

They should've guessed that a million hints wouldn't get the point across Beca Mitchell, whom they were all sure was intelligent, but had trouble understanding anything socially related. She probably wouldn't even realise that Chloe liked her back even if the words 'CHLOE LIKES YOU' were staring right in her face.

It was on a Wednesday afternoon that the Bellas decided that they had to do something about all the sexual tension between the two.

Beca stopped mixing when she saw her phone lighting up with a notification. It was a message from Fat Amy. She lowered her headphones so that they were hugging her neck, and she unlocked her phone, checking out what Amy had to say.

Amy [2.10 p.m.]: Ugh bad news short stack. Blondie's called for extra rehearsals at 2.30 today

The brunette rolled her eyes before typing out a message.

Beca [2.10 p.m.]: Of course she has.

She set her phone back down on her desk and decided that she would mix for a little while longer.

When it was two-twenty, she shut her laptop off and stood up from her chair, stretching and groaning in relief as she had been sitting at her desk for almost two hours. She looked down at herself and decided she was decent enough before making her way to the auditorium.

She took her time, walking slowly as she stared at the students all around. She had gotten closer to the Bellas, and Aubrey had become less uptight, but that didn't mean she'd run to rehearsals in excitement.

She turned out to be a minute early, but she didn't see Aubrey anywhere. What she did see, however, was a redhead. A small smile crawled its way onto the brunette's face, until she realised that a little frown was etched upon the girl's face and that the other Bellas hadn't arrived yet.

"Chlo?" Beca called, and said girl turned around. The brunette felt her heart skip a beat as she managed to get a complete view of Chloe's face, her stomach filled with butterflies.

The frown disappeared, replaced by a bright smile. "Hey, Becs!"

Even though they were practically fifteen metres apart, the redhead managed to envelop the brunette in a hug in a matter of seconds. Beca would never admit it, but she loved Chloe's hugs. The redhead was so soft and gentle, and the strawberry scent her red mane carried never failed to make the brunette's mind go crazy.

Bechloe MomentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora