Act 2 Chapter 1:truth of the Bio-Code

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*at Zerg Squad headquarter*

Tagiru:why we here?

Professor Zerg:why I've brought you here...well..I've want use your watches as reference for my next invention

Kaselet:since you inviting us...we also offer Bio-Code for your members

Professor Zerg:why you always offer it...what it can do?

Kaselet:before we can and Dreadiun will off from their wrist

Tagiru and Vaydo:huh?

*after discussion...they want to know*

Tagiru:*put it back on his wrist*any idea what you said to him?

Kaselet:*sigh*after we will back home

*at Shinogami family house*

Kaselet:I've will tell you...

"Bio-Code is made of multiple genetic materials from every Dinosauroids..its due to when humans try use Paleo Brace. .it succumbed to feral nature but for Dinosauroid..their magic and also genetic enhancement allowed them to withstand the feral nature that humans succumbed with.. your brother also had Bio-Code..same for you, Vaydo..and Zatsuke"

Vaydo:not to mentioned about Herald and Damien

Tagiru:but something bothering me...why Katsura can even without Bio-Code

Katsura:*sigh*it's time to tell the truth then

Kamashi and Nemu:huh?



"When young master father same age as his son...he had no memories of his I've took him to Kaburagi care center...then the caretaker freak out as he actually part human..and part dinosaur...until one day..a girl saw him and seems like had interest for him...many years later...young master grandparents allow marriage between his father and his mother...even though everyone attending wedding so shock..they knew it it was once in the life...when she give birth to a healthy baby boy, which is the young master Katsura..until one night at age of 3..a group of bugler try to kidnapping young master Katsura but his father relentlessly attacking as protection for his son..however he also injured...after milady passed away due to illness...he then inventing Gramdlet with help from Reese in which granting any dinosaurs as transformation...master Kaburagi died due to injuries when he protecting his son from his uncle went mad after his sister died resulting in prison...both of them buried in cemetery..together as parents who care about their son...their last word are.."be strong my son" as his mother said..and also "convincing the world to put aside the difference" as his father said"

Kaselet:so he is actually human Dinosauroid hybrid

Katsura:*petted by Nemu*huh?

Nemu:your parents...remind me of my mom also not a human too


"So we should convincing them to put aside their difference for good"

To Be Continued

Mr Kaburagi:MEG-ah-low-sore-us 'big lizard' Type of dinosaur: large theropod Length: 6.0m. Diet: carnivorous When it lived: Mid Jurassic, 166 million years ago Found in: England, United Kingdom. Megalosaurus was a large, meat-eating dinosaur. It was one of the first dinosaurs ever found and the first named. One of the first dinosaurs to be discovered and the first to be described and named, Megalosaurus reached a length of about 30 feet (9 meters), a height of 10 feet (3 meters), and an estimated weight of one ton. A short, muscular neck supported its large head, which had powerful, hinged jaws armed with serrated teeth

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