Act 4 Chapter 1:an injured wolf

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*at Saurian academy*

Techyon teacher:about main important component within your invention is make sure maintaining its durability and usage

Few Techyon students:*writing note*

Tagiru:*look at window*hope they will found us

*after cafeteria*

Tagiru:*eat it until saw something at the bush*huh?..*went towards it until met Lastic*

Lastic:you saw it too went that way

*so they went to the direction until they found it*

Tagiru:injured wolf

Lastic:don't worry little one

Injured wolf:*growling*

Tagiru:good thing Zatsuke give me a dire wolf DNA..*use Kaselet to became dire wolf*wish me luck...*listen and understand*

Lastic:what it said?

Tagiru:stay away

Lastic:I've won't let injured wolf remain here without healed..*try to touch it*


Lastic:*touch it*

*at suddenly...a wolf she touch became a boy*



Rylan:although he understand I've still stubborn

Lastic:but I've can heal-

Rylan:stay back!!

Tagiru:*confronting him after back to normal form*stop it!

Rylan:try it if you can!!

Neil:*arrive*I've was wondering what you both doing-*saw him*Rylan


*at dorm next to Lastic dorm*


Ranako:*open her dorm door*whats going on?

Tagiru:we found him

Rylan:Ranako..please make sure they leave me alone

*after they discuss...Tagiru share his story*

Lastic:what on your adventures at Dino-Continent?



Tagiru:*saw it*Himani!

Himani:*ride on tail of seismosaurus*weee!...*realize that seismosaurus lifting its tail*help!


Paleo Brace:*appear as chibi hologram*..use me

Tagiru:OK!..*twisting the frame to revealing a hologram of pteranodon while a button appear*..let's go!*press it*pteranodon!

*so he become pteranodon*

Himani:*fell off*help me!!


Tagiru:*catch it by let her landing on his back*


Tagiru:are you alright?!

Akane:he became a pteranodon!

Tagiru:*landing while Himani slide down before back to human form*

Himani:waaaaa!..its scary!

Otoya:its OK Himani..we will stick together

*flashback end*

Nax:how unbelievable adventure you and your friends through


Boostia and Hairi:wow!

Dreadiun:and how we met


Vaydo:*push her*


Vaydo:*show a bracelet*

Kaselet:is that Paleo Brace?!..but I've was thought I've-


Dreadiun:*appear as hologram*..choose this*select titanoceratops*

Vaydo:*press it causing him to become a titanoceratops*


Vaydo:*try to attack*

Katsura:watch out!..*use Grandlet to become a pachyrhinosaurus and hold it*

Vaydo:*pushing him further*


Tagiru:Katsura!..*select triceratops and press the button*

Katsura:*struggling until Tagiru help*



Vaydo:*bash it*

Tagiru and Katsura:aaaargh!!



Vaydo:*become gorgosaurus*

Katsura:Vaydo!..snap it off!!*become acrocanthosaurus and clash it*

Vaydo:*become ludodactylus and evade it*

Tagiru:why you do that!?..*become pteranodon and fly to chase him*

Katsura:*become tapejara to help Tagiru*

*as aerial battle begin*

Vaydo:*dodge every attack before crash into Tagiru and stab his stomach with his beak*



Tagiru:*back to normal before falling*

Katsura:*catch it and landing before back to normal*..Tagiru!..wake up!


Raona:Vaydo! could you!

Vaydo:*look at them before fly off*

Guard 1:halt!

Guard 2:stop it!

Few guards:*chase it*


*flashback end*

Dreadiun:we sorry for your injury

Kaselet:its nothing to be worried about

Hairi:unbelievable vile men did that to your friend

Nax:*received news about something approaching their city*hm

Kaselet:what's matter?

Nax:something big heading towards city where I've live

Tagiru:we bet they went trouble to the people's at there

Lastic:tomorrow is the day we will take a break from academic day for a week

*so they went to their dorm for city Nax mentioned*

Bitty:*landing and put a cargo container*..we should ask locals for it


To Be Continued

Prehistoric life encyclopedia

Rylan:tch...The dire wolf was the largest of the Late Pleistocene canids of North America. The skull could reach up to 12 inches in length and its teeth were larger and more robust than today's gray wolves. They both stood around three feet tall at the shoulder. Dire wolves, however, had a heavier, more muscular body. Weighing 130 to 150 pounds, they were around 25% heavier than gray wolves. Additionally, they had much larger heads for their body size

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