Act 3 Chapter 2:update

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*at town surrounded by the wall*

Tagiru:*look around*so this is your town


Many Dinosauroids and peoples:*live in peace*

Few microraptors:*perching on the lamppost*?

*at Lastic house*

Lastic:try feel like home for while

Tagiru:yeah...right everyone

Kaselet:yeah but

Four of them:try not forcing yourself wearing four of us!


Hairi:I've was thinking...about we find them

Tagiru:I've know

Nax:*arrive*I've ask my friend to registering you to the Saurian academy

Five of them:seriously?

*at Saurian academy*

Tagiru:what so special about it?

Lastic:it has three classes...first is Combatian where specialised in either unarmed combat or weaponry combat

Nax:second is Diviner..which use magic to its aid

??:and lastly is Techyon where use advance tech


Neil:*show his research breakthrough*

Lastic:how is-

Few of them:*heard explosion*

Lastic:Dr Nestero

Dr Nestero:*appear from the lab covered by result of explosion*sorry for that happened

Nax:next time try don't too confident

Dr Nestero:*look at him*so you must be Tagiru


Small robot:*approaching them*I've heard explosion

Nax:don't worry..he is fine

Tagiru:who was that?

Lastic:he hasn't named yet but the robot you see before is giant form

Tagiru:giant mean Krazer

Nax:yeah...he is Cybot titan who serve Zwash empire rule..Cybot short for Cyber Robot

Dr grandfather said his colleague prototype version of Cybot is missing

Tagiru:Cybot prototype?

*while they talking about Cybot..Tagiru notice it*

Tagiru:you had a fangs?


Dr Nestero:because of it..his owner abandoned him


Nax:ever since Zwash rule...they now discriminate the Dinosauroid..and also anything like Dinosauroid will be either disposed or abandoned

Tagiru:there is no way you can be abandoned..I've can become my partner

Cybot:really OwO had tail too..and since you have fangs...I've name you Kibaoga

Kibaoga:nice nickname! OwO

*at dorm*

Nax:I've heard from Dinosauroid from Dino-Continent said you really good use Paleo-Brace so we give you Techyon uniform..*give it*


*next training zone*

Techyon teacher:by utilising equipment such as multipurpose tool or even multipurpose transportation...try use anything you have as base for your blueprint by using hologram projector made by Dr Nestero

Many Techyon students:*writing the note and use hologram projector projecting their item*

Tagiru:*use it to projecting Kaselet and Kibaoga*let see?


Dreadiun:what are you doing?

Hairi:he was updating us


Tagiru:*take off Kaselet*let's try add some system within you

Kaselet:but this is your-*realize*I've get it


Tachibana:*create Paleo-Brace with carefully*

Tagiru:*writing note*

*flashback end*

Kaselet:(so he learn small things from Tachibana...I've remember when we first met..I've doubt about you until you are the hero of the Dino-Continent)


Kaselet:feel like having good updates


Hairi:that's my stepson for you

*one by one..he manage upgrade line up*

Tagiru:*show them*I've was do some upgrade on them


Boostia:he is the best you know

??:like didn't create just upgrade useless-

Techyon:shut up Flix!..he did what Tachibana did!...and how dare you disrespect him!!

Flix:dammit!!..*walk away*


*at plains*

Techyon student 1:*use her multipurpose tool in axe form*let me demonstrate the axe can chop even hardest woods...*chop the tree just few swings until it started fell down*timber!!!..*heard tree crash*

Techyon student 2:*try to use his laser turret but it explode*...ugh

Techyon student 3:*use his repairing drone to repair broken down Cybot*there

Techyon student 4:*activate her robot dog but chased by it*aaaah!!

Techyon student 5:let me help!..*use his magnetic gauntlet and turn off the robot dog*what a close call

Tagiru:*use Kaselet to became tyrannosaurus*how is your feeling

Kaselet:feel like I've...was your ornament?!

Hairi and Boostia:*giggle*

Flix:tch..whatever...*use his hovercycle he make*

Techyon teacher:the results is 5 out of 12...congratulations

*at suddenly*

Kibaoga:we have problems!

Kaselet:is that Kibaoga?!

Tagiru:what's matter?!

Kibaoga:Zwash empire soldiers at the gate entrance!!


To Be Continued

Prehistoric life encyclopedia(special)

Lastic:Coelurosaurian dinosaurs are thought to be the closest relatives of birds, in fact, birds are considered to be coelurosaurs. This is based on Gauthier's and others' cladistic analyses of the skeletal morphology of these animals

Nax:The Dinosauria contains two major groups of dinosaurs: the Ornithischia, or "bird-hipped" dinosaurs, and the Saurischia, or "lizard-hipped" dinosaurs. The most prominent visible difference between the two types of hip is the orientation of the pubis

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