Rest in peace dad

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Your Valentine's Day gift was too painful to digest.

The news of your passing broke our hearts.

Everyone spoke to you yesterday on the phone and you told us you were fine.

Why did you leave us suddenly?

When I saw you again, I was afraid to interrupt you.

You looked like you were sleeping peacefully, but I wonder if you were really at peace?

All your life you never expressed much, but we all knew you had a lot to say.

For a moment, I just stared at your sleeping face, before finding the courage to hold your cold hand.

For the last time and a long time I held your hand.

And for a split second I hoped you'd open your eyes to say your last words.

Although it took me a while, I finally realized what death feels like.

Rest in peace Dad, you have done an incredible job throughout your life, and we will be just fine too.

We will miss you very much, but we thank God for the time he gave you to spend with us, your life was the best thing in our lives.

We loved you and your memories will forever be engraved in our hearts. Rest in peace child of God.

So we say goodbye now, but we know that death is not the end for those who trust in You Jesus.

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