chapter 2: day 2

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Charlie woke up. She was back in the pink room. She felt a burning on the left of her chest. Her top was stained with blood. She sat up and got out of bed running to the door. She flung it open and ran down the hallway. Leaving a trail of blood. "Charlie stop!" She heard nurse bethany shout from behind. "Leave me alone" then she ran into a room and locked the door. She slunked down against the door to catch her breath and observe her surroundings. The room had a pink plastic curtain splitting up the room. The walls were pink with brown rabbit drawings running along the wall. She got up, eager to see what was behind the curtain. A boy lay there cover in blood. His chest had been cut open and there we're 2 hearts laying on the table next to him. She screamed. Suddenly the door flung open and she went to hide behind the table. "Charlie, were not angry with you. Can you come out" bethany said merrily. Charlie got up wanting the easier option. "There you are Charlie, come along". Charlie was escorted back to her room and Charlie sat on her bed. "Why does my chest hurt" she asked. "You had an unhappy heart so we replaced it with a happier one" nurse bethany replied softly. Charlie froze and nurse bethany tried to hug her "don't come near me you monster!" Charlie shouted. Bethany stagged up "m-m-monster"? She said then tear drops appeared on her screen. Bethany composed herself and went back over to Charlie. "I'm sorry dear but we're trying to help you". Charlie put her head down and quietly sobbed into it. "Sorry" Charlie said. "It's OK to be angry dear" bethany spoke "Charlie look at me". Charlie looked at her with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I can't heal you, I don't have a magic wand the the fairy godmother but I will try and help as much as I can". Charlie hugged her and bethany started to sing "a gentle breeze from hushabye mountain softly blows over lullaby bay". This was the song Charlie's mum used to sing to her. Charlie stopped crying to listen to the song. "It fills the sails of boats that are waiting waiting to sail your worries away". Charlie hugged nurse bethany more. "Why don't we go and play" asked bethany. Charlie nodded and they got up to go to the play room. They soon got to the play room and the faceless man from yesterday came up to them. "Good morning!" He said. "Good morning jack" nurse bethany replied. "And you bring the young one from yesterday" he added. "Yes, this is Charlie". "Whares nole?" Asked Charlie worriedly. She had just remembered what had transpired yesterday and noles screams. Bethany looked at her. "He was too unwell so we took him to a different ward" replied bethany. Charlie looked down at the ground. "Why don't you 2 go and play, I'm a busy man after all!" Said Jack quickly. "Good idea jack" shot bethany and she dragged Charlie to the entrance of the play area. Charlie ran in followed by bethany. "Slow down dear" said bethany trying to keep up. Charlie just kept on running until she was alone. There was no one around. Charlie got scared. She felt lost. She tried to remember wich way she had come from but she couldn't. Then she saw a tube slide she decided to go through it the she found herself in a garden the grass was a florescent green and the sky was clear. It was so bright and warm and she loved it she walked around for a bit "anywhere is better than that hospital" she thought as she walked along. Soon she found a flower field. She picked a flower and tried to make a daisy chain like thing but soon she felt sick, her ears rang and she passed out

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