chapter 7: day 5

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"Do you remember what happened"? Asked the doctor. "Yes" replied Charlie nervously. "Can you tell me what happened?" Asked the doctor softly. "No" replied Charlie. "Do you remember what happened?" Asked the doctor sounding concerned. "Yes" responded Charlie coldly. "Ok" said the doctor writeing on her clipboard. The doctor got up "I need to go and check on some other things but I'll be back later". Charlie knew she had to escape. She tried standing up but her legs felt too weak And she fell to the ground. She heard footsteps drawing nearer to the door and she tried to pull herself up. A Man walked in "Do you need help" he asked rushing over to her. "Yes please" answered Charlie. He helped her up and got her back on the bed. "If you need help again just shout and someone will hear you" he said before hurrying out. Then 3 people wearing all black walked in. "M'am you've got to come with us" he said. "Who are you" asked charlie. "Thats classified information" they replied. Charlie was finding it hard not to laugh because they all said it in complete sync. "M'am please follow us" one asked. Charlie knew that they weren't really asking they we're commanding. Charlie got up but fell almost immediately. Then 2 people came over and picked her up and carried her out the door. They felt down a set of stairs and went out a small back door leading to a van. Charlie felt fear wash over her as she was put in the back. Soon after they started moving she fell asleep. When she woke up she was in a cell. Charlie got up and looked around. "Ohh your awake" said a voice from behind her. Then she felt 2 people grab her and pull her onto a room and into a chair. She was hooked up to a lie detector "What's your name"? Asked a voice from behind her "Charlie" Charlie replied. "Do you know your last name" asked the voice. "No" replied Charlie. "Do you remember what happened"? Asked the voice. "No" replied Charlie. Then she felt a volt of electricity shoot through her back. "Oh did I forget to mention you get shocked evrytime you lie" said the voice smugly. "Did you fall from another dimension"? Asked the voice "yes" replied Charlie. "Did you-" the voice was stopped. Then Charlie heard muffled screams. "Hi Charlie" she heard nole say. A smile spread across Charlie's face. "C'mon let's get you out of here" added kai. Nole grabbed Charlie's hand and ran out "earth now is so cool!" Shouted nole. They ran out a fire exit and into a car. "How do you move this thing asked" kai trying to make it drive. "Move" said Charlie grabbing the keys and putting her foot down. "What is this thing"? Shouted kai in fear. "This is a car" comforted nole. Then they heard ploice sirens from behind them. "Put a seat belt on"! Shouted Charlie. "What's that"? Shouted back kai. Once nole had got kai's seat belt sorted and his own Charlie took a sharp left into a field. "What are you doing" asked nole. Suddenly a familiar face appeared in the car...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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