The Trip

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One day, I was adding finishing touches to a star's life cycle before sending it out to be born. I was feeling quite lonely and was beginning to wonder about Earth. I heard stories about it, but I never went there myself. It's getting up there in years and I've always been terrified of going there.
What if they don't appreciate my stars?
What if they hate me?
What if they mistreat me?
Oh gods.
What if they judge my stars?!
Now that would be terrible!! Only we can judge them! Not some filthy mortal.

The mortals seemed to be quite mean from the stories I've heard, but honestly I can't blame them. I'd be pissy if I had a time limit of only 80-90 years to live a life too. What a miserable life, rushing around and trying to fit their lives in such small timespans, while trying to be happy and content with what they have. They act content, but if they were really content, they wouldn't strive to be better than each other, which I have heard a lot about. Competition in mortals was higher than life, how would I ever stand out if I visited?? They would immediately judge me, wouldn't they??

But maybe it's worth it? Just to see my fellows hard work?
It would be worth it. The solitude could be broken!
I grinned all through my work as I got ready to part ways. I felt as if I was rushing to finish a star, which I would hate to happen! I slowed the process and made sure I hadn't made a mistake at all, not even one!
As I turned towards the glowing dot I recognized as earth, I began to glide my way through space. It was definitely a day trip to get there, but time is infinite! You can't waste it, it all goes to the same cause.
I love time.
You should too. It's fascinating.

During the trip, I may have gotten in my own head… I debated turning around and going home, but I was already so close. I could see the green shining through and their sun! Gods what a beauty, Bishop must be proud of his work.
But… what if they're mean to me… the humans don't communicate with deities that often, so how would they treat me? Especially since they can barely see my creations, how would they know the artist if the art is just a little white dot…
All they see are fucking dots?
Fucking. Dots?
FUCK this I'm going home. This is scary.

NO! I have to stay. It's the right thing to do, I'll like them! I'll like the humans!

I darted through and between meteors, some huge, most were tiny. I swished along and straight for Earth! Gosh I'm excited now! Maybe they'll like me! Maybe even love me! Hahaha!
I became giddy at the thought of attention that I flew quicker.

It would've been super cool if Grobletombus told me about FUCKING SATELLITES.

Because I was hurtling near the speed of light , I couldn't see the metallic solar panels approaching quickly.
I crashed into them at full speed, sending me and the whole machine spinning out of control. I rolled through space, unable to stop before I spun out into the holy hell that was their atmosphere. Instantly, atmospheric drag hit me like a train as I hurtled towards the planet.


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