What is that?

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Who am I?
Where am I?
Who is that guy?
What's happening and why does everything feel… stiff
The man had come back with this strange sharp tool, it looked like a small tube with a needle poking out of it. I was in too much pain to object so he stuck it into my arm and pushed the piston-like mechanism through the tube. It stung but I couldn't object.
He repeated this process with more of the most damaged parts of my body and it felt stranger afterwards. He barely spoke, only to ask questions about me, even though I was asking myself those same questions. Neither of us had the answers, I simply couldn't remember.

The soreness became a lot better, whatever he put in my joints made them numb and tingly, but the pain was mostly gone and definitely bearable. He eventually put the tube-thing away and sat in a chair next to the bed, asking me more questions.
“So. You don't know your name, who you are, where you came from, or why you're here?” He asked in disbelief, his eyes narrowing in confusion.
“I don't remember anything except falling into the sand and hearing that siren and pain.” I answered honestly. “What was that stuff you put in my arm?”
“Ah. The siren was for a tornado across the town, the storm still hit us quite hard though.” He nodded. “And the substance was novacaine, a medicine that will numb your pain.”
More confusion, this time from my end of the conversation.
“What's a t…tor….tor-nahdo…” I struggled to pronounce it.
“Yeah, what is that?”
“You don't know what a tornado is?” His eyes widened in shock as he clasped his hands tightly around each other.
“Dude I don't even know who you are.” I sighed in exhaustion, I wanted to rub my face but I didn't like moving, it felt weird and tingly on my joints due to the novacaine stuff.
“Oh right, my name's Halio.” he looked down at his own nails. “And a tornado is this big tube of wind that comes down from the sky and spins around and throws shit everywhere.”
“Why would it do that… that sounds so mean” I couldn't figure out that a tornado was an object, not a human.
He didn't answer my honest question, he simply snorted and laughed. I don't like being laughed at.
Oh that's funny. You're pretty fu…” he trailed off, seeing my absent expression. “oh you're serious.”
“Why would the tor…torANdo do that. It's very rude to throw things that aren't yours, you could break something!” I scoffed in frustration.
“Tornados are wind, they aren't people and they can't control what they do because they don't have brains.”
“What's a Brian.”
“Jesus Christ-”
“Who's that…”
“...dear god I'm gonna go get you something to eat… Do you want waffles?” Halio smacked his knees and stood up from his chair, completely and rudely ignoring my questions.
When he saw the incoming question, he answered it before I could ask. “Waffles are a food made of sweet cake-bread that has a weird shape and you eat it with syrup. And syrup is ….uhm…tree juice”
“Oh.” I mumble.
What the fuck are trees.
“Okay!” I just mask my confusion with a pointy-toothed smile, which made him grimace slightly and leave the room.
I went to follow Halio but the second I moved my legs, all of my joints got tingly again and I couldn't feel them.
I didn't care for this feeling so I refrained from moving, laying in the bed and listening to Halio cool in the other room.
Within a couple of minutes, a delicious smell filled the room, Halio walked back in with a tray of strange, circular bread with cubes cut out of it and a strange transparent brown liquid poured on top.
“Are those the wah-fell things you mentioned?” I ask politely, staring at the circular bread in awe.
“Waffles. And yes” he set the tray on my lap. “Go ahead and eat, I'd rather you not starve after almost dying.”
I looked at him in confusion again.
What was dying?
I'll ask later…
I went to grab the waffle with my hand but he stopped me.
“The fuck are you doing? Use the fork” he looked at me like I was a bizarre deity; confusion.
He grabbed this silver pronged thing and shoved it into my hand.
“Stab it with that and then eat it, it keeps your hands from getting messy.”
“Couldn't I just wash them?”
“Just use the damn fork.”
I nod as he left yet another question unanswered, I held the pronged instrument and stabbed it into the waffle and scooped part of it into my mouth, ignoring the numb and tingling in my elbows from the “novocaine”.
“...these are incredible.” I stared at Halio before fucking inhaling the rest of the waffle in an approximate time of 6 seconds.
He stared in disbelief, I stared back in joy.
We stared in solitude.

Finally he spoke.
“What the fuck.”
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing… just surprised. You still hungry?’
I nod quickly, I would say yes to anything if it meant I got the waffles again. And I mean anything.
“Jeez- what am I gonna do with you..”
He took my plate and left, coming back with more within a few minutes. He seemed strangely interested in me, which was fair. Id be interested in myself too, literally neither of us know who I am, and If I randomly took in a man with a waffle addiction who fell from the sky, id stare too.
After another waffle I actually slowed down when I ate and got to thinking.
Where did I come from…
What do I call myself? Was I just born into the world? Is this how people are made? Clearly not or they wouldn't be surprised.
Halio's voice broke my train of thoughts.
“So… what do I call you?” He asked quietly, he seemed to be generally quiet.
“I dunno. Make up something?” I stared at him, mouth full of waffle.
“Do you have any ideas?”
“sky? Since I fell from it?” I was never sarcastic so he seemed to pick up on that, not laughing finally.
“No that's corny”
“I don't recall talking about corn.”
“I mean it sounds dumb”
I frowned, that was rude. He saw my frown and suppressed a smile.
“No harsh words, it's just not fitting. Maybe make up a random sound and it can be your nickname.”
“Nick is not my name-”
He ignored my confusion and began testing out strange sounds, starting with words that start with M.
“Mmmmiya… no.” Trial and error had begun. “Maya, Malcom, Marble.. hehe marbles-” he snickered. I did not understand.
“Mireo?” The name struck me, it sounded familiar and I would remember it! Maybe it was already my name!
“that works.” He shrugged. “oh yeah, how are you feeling? That fall was nasty.”
“I feel weird and tingly and numb and I don't like it.” I honestly answered, staring at him with a blank expression.
“Yeah that's the medicine I gave you. Overtime I'll have to help you out more with that but I'm pretty sure you'll recover.” He smiled at me and stood up, grabbing a glass and exiting the room, coming back with water for me. “Drink lots of water, it's good for you and you need to.”

I shrugged but agreed, sipping the glass of water. He left the room again and left me alone with my thoughts
So… I fell from the sky and hurt myself and was saved me this nice man named Halio and I don't have a home, name, memories or recollection of what the fuck was happening.
But this place is still crazy, and Halio won't answer my questions.
What was a Brian?? Who was Jesus Christ???

What was dying?

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