Make it Shine

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I'm walking to class when I bumped into my sister Jade

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I'm walking to class when I bumped into my sister Jade. She may seem like she doesn't care but ounce you get to know he she's actually really nice. Jade is very protective of me, Jade won't let anything happen to me. Jade will do just about anything to keep me out of harms way, she is my twin sister and I'll always stay by her side. I can always count on Jade to have my back. Jade has always been there for me she always knows just what I need without me having to say what I need. I. can't believe that I have a sister like Jade in my life.

I walked into the classroom only to find the new girl all over Beck.

"Dude!!! Who are you and why are

"I'm sorry I spilled coffee on him and I was just trying to help clean it up."

"Stay away from him. He's not on the market. Come on Beck, let's get away from the new girl. Also I want to sleep, because I was up all night doing homework. I got no sleep."

"You know that stuff isn't due till Friday right? But I still love you munchkin even if you do pull all nighters most days."

Beck pulled me in for a kiss and I put my head on his shoulder I wanted to stay awake but my eyes kept closing. No matter how hard I tired to stay awake I just couldn't stay awake. Also Beck was playing with my hair, he's knows that always puts me to sleep. I just don't know how to stay awake at.

"Just sleep babe, you need to be awake for what happens after school."

"Olivia you're captain of the first group today, choose your actors."

I got up and walked over to the stage and winked at Beck.

"Let's see, Cat, Elli, Beck, and Tori."

"Let's give them a place."


"Andre no one wants to see big nudes."


"Oh. Well that's different. At home big news"

"Hey babe how was work today."

"Well I got fired."

"That's okay I got big news that will cheer up this whole family." I walked out in the hall and grabbed Tori. "I went to the animal shelter and got us a dog"

"Uh yep I'm the new family dog woof."

"Sikowitz would you tell this amateur that dogs don't talk or walk on two legs."

He was too busy drinking from his coconut


"Sorry I was busy drinking the milk from this coconut. But it's true Tori if you're going to be a dog, be a dog."

Tori got on her hands and knees.


We finished the scene and then sat back down. I then put my head on Beck's shoulder and fell asleep for the rest of class. I felt Beck pick me up and carry me out of the classroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head back on his shoulder.

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