Chapter 7: Past experiences

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The cold air hums, a gentle nightly breeze whooshing over the small, cozy little town our protagonist occupy. If one listens closely, they could potentially hear the chirp and noises of Noctowls, the sneaking creeps of shady Pokemon, etc. Nothing beats a quiet, peaceful night like this. At least that's what the residence of this small town all think.

Most Pokémon would be asleep now. And yes, most are. However, few are obviously awake. Some Pokémon are nocturnal after all. With this being said, one of the Pokemon who remain awake still is Leon. Why he remains awake...will soon be shown.

Late at night.

"..." Leon stares at his own reflection, stoic in expression as always. He doesn't move, he doesn't blink. If one were to pay attention, it would appear that the air were humming an ominous tune...right next to Leon.

While Leon stares at his own reflection, a noise is heard. However, this doesn't get his attention. Not at all.

*Yawn* "Jeez. I'm tired."

Entering the room is Amara, who appears to have gotten back home after some late night shopping. She sets her bags full of items aside, about to call it a night.
Well...until she notices that Leon is still awake.

"Oh! I should go put on my favorite-" *notices* "L-Leon?! Y-you're still up?" She chuckles, proceeding to walk over to him. "Good thing I spotted you. Didn't want to undress in-front of you. That would've been awkward. Anyway, we're going to be initiated into the guild tomorrow! I'm exited honestly. I've wanted to enter the hero's guild for a good while now."

"...Amara...I have a question." Leon says, Amara taken slightly off guard by this.

"O-oh? Um, sure! What is it?"

Leon looks down at his paws. "I've noticed how open and trusting you are. To everyone. So I ask this." He turns to face her. "Back within the deep caves of the Frozen Tundra. Why did you trust me? I was a complete stranger."

"Um...well..." Amara thought on it. Leon's sudden question really had caught her off guard. "Honestly? I guess it was because you were my only ticket out of the caves depths. I mean you knew an exit and all! If it wasn't for you, I...well...I probably wouldn't even be here today. I could've been stuck in the dark of some elaborate cave network with no way out! I could've starved to death, or have been eaten by some random cave Pokemon or something." She tilts her head, curious. "Your question is out of the blue Leon. Is it ok if I ask why you wanted to know?"

"..." He stays quiet for a bit, but eventually speaks. "Simply put, I've never had anyone put their trust in me...ever...well, except for one other...but let's not get into that."

Amara could sense a tinge of sadness in Leon's last words.

"I would like to express my gratitude to you, Amara. You've put your trust in me, offered me a place to stay, and much more...even your friendship." Leon smiles a bit. "I've...never had a friend feels nice. To have you as my friend, Amara."

"Leon." Amara smiles brightly. "You know, it's so heartwarming to hear you say that. Truly. You're usually the stoic, silent type Leon." She suddenly pulls Leon into one big hug. "I'm happy to have you as my friend, Leon. After hearing you say that we could be friends yesterday, I was overwhelmed with happiness!"

Unbeknownst to Amara, Leon desperately wanted to hug her back...but his body refused to do so. His mind and soul desperately wanted to hug her...but he just couldn't. He didn't know why. It was as if a part of him despised to simply hug her back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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