hi i'm charlie dalton and welcome to jackass - knarlie

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"Holy shit that stings," Charlie mutters, pulling himself away from the damp cloth Knox was holding on his head. Knox shushes him and moves closer

For context, Charles Dalton is an idiot. He may not think so, but everybody around him sure does. Especially Knox, who is the one designated to taking care of him after his usual antics go worse than expected. An example of this is now, as Charlie had done something, probably backflipping off of a roof for all Knox knows, and has hurt his head and arms. No serious damage, that would probably give Knox a heart attack, but he's still bleeding a little.

Knox began to panic when he opened the door of his boyfriens's dorm only to be greeted with said boyfriend, injured and asking for "a little bit of assistance". A little bit was an understatement. He ran to get him some bandages and plasters and all sorts of things while Charlie sits on his bed, confused by the amount of nervousness, and lack there of in himself.

"Baby, don't worry, I'll be oka-" Charlie is cut off by shushing and the rapidly increasing amount of plasters being placed on his head and arms. '1..2..3..4..5..6..', surely he doesn't need this many. He begins to try to calm Knox a little, avoiding the many questions like "What the fuck did you do??", passing them off as unimportant. What is important is that his boyfriend is currently having freaking out a lot over him and he needs to calm him down immediately. Once Knox settles down and the increasing amount of plasters stops, Charlie brings Knox closer to him, silently planting a small kiss on his shoulder.

They lean back on the bed, holding each other close. "I hope you're okay, I really do," Knox says, running his fingers softly through Charlie's hair.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart. Though really, you need to stop with that freaking out thing, I'll be okay," Charlie reassures him. A sigh of relief comes from Knox, and the two stay lying on Charlie's bed, soft kisses shared as they whisper to each other how much they mean to one another.

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