Chapter Thirteen

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Sofia's decisions always looked worse in the light of day.

This one was no different. She woke up in the arms of Kelsey McQuarrie, face pressed to her admittedly impressive bosom, drooling down her cleavage, awash in a feeling she hadn't known before. Peace? Serenity? Whatever it was, it was addicting, and Sofia clung to it, warding off the shame building in the background.

Kelsey was already awake, playing with her hair, breathing in little sighs and hums; the sounds of a very content person, someone with nowhere else they needed or wanted to be. She twirled a lock of Sofia's greasy hair around her finger, let it fall, twirled it again. Her other hand held Sofia's against her stomach, rising and falling with each breath.

Sofia didn't want to get up. She wanted to melt into Kelsey, exist within her skeleton, never feel the cold again. The thought that she couldn't made her tear up.

"Why did you do that?" she asked, voice croaky with sleep. She was glad Kelsey couldn't see her face from this angle.

Kelsey didn't ask her to clarify, her hand maintaining its steady rhythm over her hair as she thought. "You needed me," she said finally, and Sofia really should have expected that answer.

"Right..." Sofia rubbed her face against Kelsey's t-shirt, the worn material rough on her cheeks. "You don't have to... I mean, is that reason enough?"

"Of course it is." Kelsey squeezed her hand. "I'm happy to– I'm honored to help."

Sofia's head snapped up to glare at her, and it was a mistake, because in the early morning light with her hair messy from Sofia's tugging hands and lips swollen and red, Kelsey looked...

Sofia groaned, hauling herself up to kiss her. Kelsey kissed her back, smiling into it.

"You want to go again?" she asked when Sofia started trailing her lips down her neck. "Can I have a second to stretch first? I think I hurt my wrist last night– oh, never mind!"

Sofia had pressed Kelsey's hands into her chest. "Let's make this quick," she panted into her mouth.

Kelsey stayed under her, sliding down the bed to kiss her chest and reach down. "Your wish is my command."

"Shut up!"

Kelsey laughed, and the sound mixed with Sofia's heavy breathing, igniting her from within. This time she couldn't even entertain the thought that it was just about feeling something, warding off the numbness and the cold and the aching loneliness. She curled around Kelsey, hands in her hair, legs straining with the effort to lift herself over her, give her room to move. Kelsey continued to lavish her chest with licks as one hand circled her to grab her ass, and the other...

Sofia didn't know, in the end, if it was actually faster this time. Kelsey didn't take her hand away until Sofia stopped shaking around her.

"I think I get the hype now." Sofia's lips moved against Kelsey's scalp, hair tickling her nose when she breathed. "I get why... people are so into this."

"You mean sex?" Kelsey freed her hand, moving it to join the other on Sofia's bottom.

"Y-yeah." Sofia made a feeble attempt to roll away, giving up when Kelsey let out an amused breath, the heat of it welcoming, keeping her in place.

"Me too," Kelsey said, tracing a pattern on Sofia's skin.

"What?" Sofia pushed up onto her arms, looking down at Kelsey's mischievous little face. "You didn't even– You didn't have an orgasm."

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