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The ground beneath Dinh and Khuong diminished at an alarming rate that there was really nowhere left to run! Khuong panicked while Dinh kept his mind calm to focus on an escape plan. Within milliseconds, a colossal boulder collided right through the remaining tiny floating terrain! Khuong lost his balance and fell off the platform. Dinh instinctively grabbed Khuong's forearm. Khuong held on to dear life! Khuong's palms were sweaty, but Dinh begged him to not let go! However the gravitational force was pulling stronger by the second. Khuong couldn't hold on much longer, as he lost his grip on Dinh's forearm. Khuong screamed! Dinh couldn't help but feel disappointed that he ran out of ideas as he witnessed his best friend being pulled farther away from him.

Suddenly, a mysterious light that appeared between Dinh and Khuong expanded quickly enough to engulf them.


On a summer afternoon in the Big Apple, the sounds of city life could be heard from every corner. Located on the 1st floor of One Park Avenue, the Equinox Sports Club was filled with a diverse group of members and staff. The natural light gleamed through the glass curtain walls. The layout of the club had Feng Shui, and the facilities were always kept clean to the highest standards. On one end of Equinox, Khuong coached his clientele. On the other end of the sports club, Dinh taught choreography to his pupils.

Khuong, a certified fitness instructor who has worked with countless celebrities, was originally from Brooklyn. Dinh, a famous choreographer who has helped many new talented artists in the industry, was originally from Queens. Given the city's dynamic landscape, Dinh and Khuong were well acquainted. They frequently crossed paths at the recreational center and greeted each other at the beginning and end of their work shifts.

One day, Khuong noticed that Dinh did not show up for work, knowing that they have the same schedules. Soon, a day became a few weeks. A part of Khuong felt that the days were not quite the same when Dinh was not present. Nevertheless, Dinh eventually returned to work. Khuong asked him, "Where ya been?" Dinh replied, "I was feeling unwell." They continued their day as usual.

At the end of their shift, Dinh and Khuong were about to greet each on their way out. However, Dinh couldn't help but notice the compressed bandage wrapped around Khuong's forearm.

"What happened?!" asked Dinh with worry in his voice.

"Oh, I pulled a muscle tendon during one of my sessions," replied Khuong.

Dinh insisted on inviting Khuong over to make a stew that will speed up the recovery of his injury. At first, Khuong gently declined, but he finally accepted the kind gesture.

At Dinh's humble abode, Dinh instructed Khuong to make himself at home, while he began cooking the beef stew. Khuong took a moment to show himself around Dinh's apartment. It had an industrial design look with an array of indoor plants. Khuong felt a sense of nostalgia when the aromas of Dinh's cooking started to permeate the air. The sensation reminded Khuong of his childhood home.

After serving a bowl for Khuong and himself, Dinh warned him that it was scorching hot. Khuong noticed the steam coming from the bowl. After waiting a few minutes, they ate the entirety of the stew. Khuong expressed gratitude for the meal, emphasizing on the exquisite taste. Unable to conceal his blushed expression, Dinh said, "It's just a standard recipe."

The very next day, Khuong and Dinh greeted each other at work. Khuong was thrilled to show Dinh that his injury had properly healed! Dinh was delighted about the news.

At the end of a long work week, Dinh made his way to the main lobby ready to go home. Khuong called him over. "Do you wanna grab something to drink?" asked Khuong. Dinh accepted the invite with a smile that lit up the entire lobby.

They shared a pot of herbal tea at a local shop. Khuong and Dinh indulged in conversation and locked gazes. Somehow, time began to stay still. They enjoyed each other's presence and became more acquainted that evening. Aside from the vapor of the hot tea, something ethereal was certainly in the air at that moment.

Graciously, the cafe attendant politely reminded them that the shop was about to close for the night. Khuong and Dinh snapped out of their deep conversation and became astonished at how quickly time flew, or so it had seemed. Just outside the shop, Khuong and Dinh agreed to continue their conversation for another day and greeted each other good night.

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