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Ally hurry up Allison ally's best friend said watching as ally slowly packed her stuff for the camping trip hey ally". A familiar voice said. Hi zac". Ally said as she and her boyfriend kissed. You two are disgusting get A room please". Allison said annoyed. Ally and zac giggled oh please Allison it's not like you're not like that with cam". Ally replied. Cam and i are not together Ally you know that". Allison replied.  sure you and Cam are not together Allison we are best friends i can see the way You and cam look at each other". Ally replied. whatever ". Allison replied with a roll of her eyes.  Hey Allison". Cam said entering the room. oh hi Cam". Allison said twirling her hair with her finger.  ally and Zac glanced at each other with a knowing look as They watched Cam and Allison flirt with each other.  ally let out a giggle and Allison turned to look at ally confused. what"? Allison asked ally. cam and i are not together". Ally said teasing Alison. 

Lana Parrilla as Allison

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Lana Parrilla as Allison. 

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