Flowers in Me

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"This is for Porchay..."

Porchay turned off his phone and tucked it under his pillow after watching Kim's video- singing the song begging for him to stay.

He hates it.

He hates Kim.

He hates Wik.

He hates his guts for sending him a video.

He hates this mafia shits he's been entangled with.

He hates this compound where he feels hundred of eyes watching his every move.

He just wants to curl up in his own bed at their own house, where he felt safe and sound.

He just wants to move on from all the pain, betrayal, and lies that Kim caused him.

He wants to start over again in a clean state.


Porchay looks at his reflection in front of the mirror, wiping the tears streaming down his face. His mind is set, he's decided to move on from Kim. Forget everything Kim related and start over again.

It's easy he just needs to ignore Kim and pretend that the older doesn't exist and continue on with his life.

It's not.

Not when Kim tries to reach out to him everyday after sending that video.

Not when everytime Kim visits the compound he tries on talking to Chay.

Not when Kim is asking for his forgiveness every given chance he gets.

Not when Kim pleads for him to listen to his explanations.

Not when Kim almost... almost kneels in front if him just for Chay to hear him out.

But Porchay had enough! He doesn't want anything from Kim. He doesn't want to hear any explanations from Kim, he might not be sure if they're real or just another set of lies.

"Chay, please.." Kim mumbled, trying to reach Chay's wrist but failed.

Chay ignored him, walked past him like Kim isn't there. He continue walking out of the compound and get inside the car waiting for him.


Kinn called for a family dinner on a Saturday and very one is needed to attend, that includes the Minor family.

In a grand dinning hall sits the whole Theerapanyakul clan with Kinn seated at the head of the table and Porsche on his right.

"What's with the sudden dinner, Kinn?" Vegas asked, looking as confused as the others on the table.

Kim is sitting across Chay, eyes fixed on the younger who is talking with Macau beside him.

"Why is Kim looking like he wants to stab me multiple times?" Macau leans closer to Chay, so close for Kim's liking.

"Just ignore him." Chay answered, and shift his attention to Kinn who stood up and offered his hand to his Hia.

Kinn and Porsche are both standing tall in front of the whole family, holding each other's hands.

"Porsche and I, we decided to get married." Kinn announced, lifting his hand up together with Porsche, showing their engagement rings.

That's the only time Kim takes his eye off of Chay, he looks at his brother and Porsche, they look very much happy. He smiled, clap his hands to congratulate them both.

Flowers in Me [KimChay Oneshot AU]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant