Chapter 6: Bad Reputation

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April 23rd 2022

The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement asThe Dream members, gather for their debut album photoshoot. The studio is filled with photographers, stylists, and assistants bustling around, preparing for the big moment.

Chamile tries to keep her composure. "Okay, girls, let's all take a deep breath. We got this."

Dara nervously adjusts her hair. "I don't know, Chamile. There are so many people telling us what to do."

Lisa bods in agreement. "Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming."

"Remember why we're here, guys. This is our moment to shine." Ludermary says trying to stay positive.

Sherie rolls her eyes. "Easier said than done when everyone's shouting orders at us."

The photographer approaches, full of energy and enthusiasm. "Ladies, you look fabulous! Now, let's start with some group shots. Chamile, you stand in the center, and the rest of you gather around her, yes, just like that!"

The girls try to follow the photographer's instructions, but it's chaotic with everyone talking over each other.

Sherie's stylish rushes in quickly. "Hold on, we need to adjust Sherie's dress."

"And Lisa, can you tilt your head a bit more to the left?" The photographer's assistant says.

"Dara, your lipstick is smudged. Let me fix that." Says the makeup artist.

The girls exchange frustrated glances as they try to keep up with the demands.

Chamile having enough, raises her voice. "Wait, everyone, please! Can we just take a moment to regroup?"

The chaos pauses briefly as the girls gather in a huddle. "We need to remember why we're here. This photoshoot is about capturing our essence as a group, not about conforming to everyone else's vision of us. Let's trust in ourselves and each other." Chamile tells her girls.

They share a determined nod, feeling reinvigorated by Chamile's words.

"Alright, ladies, let's try something different this time. How about each of you striking a pose that represents your individual style?" The photographer says approaching them with his camera.

The girls break into smiles, relieved to have regained control of the situation.

"Finally, something we can work with!" Dara says.

With newfound confidence, the girls strike poses that exude their unique personalities, creating a dynamic and authentic moment captured by the camera.

"That's it, girls! You're absolutely killing it!" The photographer says excitedly.

As the photoshoot continues, the girls embrace the opportunity to express themselves freely, knowing that their debut album cover will reflect not only their talent but also their unity and strength as a group.

The girls walk out of the bustling photo studio, the energy of the shoot still coursing through them. Lisa, shades hiding her eyes, takes a long swig from her water bottle, her secret stash of alcohol providing some much-needed relief.

"That was intense, but we did it." Chamile says, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, we really pulled through back there." Dara adds, nodding.

"Everyone okay?" Ludermary's asks. The girls nod their heads replying. Lisa takes another sip from her water bottle. "You okay, Lisa?" Ludermary asks the younger girl.

L.A. Dreaming: A Bittersweet SymphonyWhere stories live. Discover now