Chapter 12: Dear Society

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September 16th 2022

Ever since Lauren's passing, the former members of Fifth Harmony have relied of each other during the hard times. About two months ago, the four girls decided that the only way to stop feel closer to Lauren, was to get the band back together.

Flashback Two Months Ago

The atmosphere is somber yet filled with a sense of unity as Ally, Camila, Dinah, and Normani gather in a cozy living room. They sit in a circle, holding hands, their eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and determination.

"It's been tough for all of us since Lauren's passing. But we've always been there for each other, through thick and thin." Ally says.

"Yeah, we've leaned on each other more than ever these past few months. And it's made me realize how much I miss being a part of something bigger than myself." Camila replies.

"I've been feeling the same way." Dinah adds. She sighs before continuing. "We had something special with Fifth Harmony, something that connected us to our fans in a way nothing else ever has."

"Lauren wouldn't want us to dwell on the sadness. She'd want us to honor her memory by doing what we love most: making music together." Normani adds.

"So, what do you guys think?" Ally says looking around at the other three girls. "Are we ready to bring Fifth Harmony back?" She asks.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think it's exactly what we need right now. Not just for ourselves, but for our fans too." Camila says.

"I'm in. Let's do this for Lauren and for us." Dinah says eagerly with a smile.

Normani smiles at the three girls around her. "Count me in too. I miss performing with you all more than I can say."

"Alright, it's settled then. Fifth Harmony is officially making a comeback." Ally says with a smile.

They share a group hug, tears of both sadness and joy streaming down their faces. In that moment, they know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, they'll face them together, just like they always have.

Back to Present

Ally, Camila, Dinah, and Normani are gathered in a cozy living room, surrounded by suitcases and excitement buzzing in the air. They are sitting around a coffee table, laptops open, as they discuss their upcoming trip to the iHeartRadio Music Festival in New York.

"Okay, ladies, let's go over our checklist one more time before we head out to New York." Ally tells the other girls.

"Right, so we've got our performance outfits sorted, right?" Camila asks.

"Yep, all set. I double-checked with the stylist, and everything's good to go." Normani replies.

"What about our setlist?" Dinah adds. The girls look over to the younger girl, who is holding up a sheet of paper. "Are we sticking with the same songs or making any changes?"

"I think we should keep it the same for this performance. Our fans love those songs, and it's a great way to showcase our style." Ally replies.

"Agreed. Plus, it'll give us more time to focus on perfecting our choreography." Camila adds.

"Speaking of choreo, did we finalize the moves for the bridge in "Havana"?" Normani asks.

"Almost there. We just need to smooth out that transition from the second chorus." Dinah says.

"Perfect." Ally says clapping her hands excitedly. "Let's run through it one more time before we hit the stage the night before."

"And what about our downtime in New York? Any plans besides the festival?" Camila asks.

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