Chapter 1: Lost

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Lily was swiftly walking around the island, trying to locate the only person that was truly similar to her: Superdog, also known as Luke.

"Hello? Luke? Where are you?" She shouted every so often, trying to search for him around the island, but to no luck.

After several attempts were made by Lily to find Luke, she gave up, going back to her home to think of a way to find him.

Lily decided that she could go talk to Ryder, as she knew that he would have a clue of what she should do. She walked over to Ryders' house, knocking on his door.

"Oh! Hey Lily! What brings you here?" Ryder asked her. "Hey, Ryder. I'm looking for Luke, and I can't seem to find him. Could you maybe help me?" she responded, constantly worried that Luke might be in danger.

Ryder allowed Lily to come inside his house. They both sat at the dining room table to try and hatch a plan.

"So, you're wanting to find Luke?" Ryder asked Lily.

"Yes, I've looked all around the island multiple times, shouting his name, but unfortunately, I just couldn't find him at all." Lily replied, slightly looking down with a sad tone in her voice and facial expression.

Lexi walked in. "Oh! Hey Lily! What brings you here?" she asked.

"I'm trying to find Luke, but I don't know where he is, and I've looked all around for him." Lily replied, hoping that Lexi might have some information to the whereabouts of Luke.

"Oh right... That reminds me... I may have forgotten to tell you this, but Luke... well... he kinda... sorta died in another reality quite some time ago." Lexi revealed, bringing shock and sadness to Lily.

"What!?" Lily exclaimed. "But h-he can't be dead!" She was about to storm off in a flood of tears, but Lexi, with her quick thinking, stopped Lily before she could leave the house.

"Hang on a second, Lily. I think I might know a way we can try to bring Luke back." Ryder told Lily. "What I believe you need to do is travel to the caverns underneath Reality City, use your strange, reality-bending powers to connect yourself to the Reality Orb, align your destination to the reality Luke was last in, which I believe might have been Reality 2401, and teleport yourself to that reality. You will most likely have to do it by yourself though, as you are the only person who can survive the trip without suffering major injuries." he explained.

"Wait, but how will teleporting to that reality bring Luke back?" Lily asked.

"Well it's simple, time travel!" Lexi exclaimed.

"Wait, but won't that screw up our timeline, since I would have to go into the past?" Lily asked Lexi, confused about her task. "Well, not as long as you make sure the events that brought us here still happen." Ryder replied. After several minutes of thinking, Lily made her decision.

"Alright, I'll do it," Lily told the duo. "I just need to figure out what reality he was last in."

Lexi told Lily that Luke was last seen in Reality 2401, a reality similar to the one the group was currently living in, but instead of humans, the world was inhabited by humanoid dogs.

"Good luck!" Lexi and Ryder both shouted to Lily, watching her leave to bring back Superdog from the grips of death. "I just hope she stays safe," Lexi told Ryder. "She will be careful, she knows what she is doing." Ryder replied.

Lily headed to the caverns that were below Reality City, spotting the Reality Orb in the location it was meant to be at, surrounded by a large pool of purified water. Wasting no time, Lily used her powers to connect herself to the Orb.

She commanded the Reality Orb to bring her to Reality 2401. During the process, she used her powers to manipulate the Orb into taking her back into the past, before the Reality War began... 

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