Chapter 7: The Sacrifice

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After thinking she thought she defeated the Reality Master for the second time, Lily immediately noticed that the Reality Orb was on the brink of implosion. The damage inflicted upon it was too much for it to handle.

In an instant, Lily called her friends. "Hey! I need you all to grab a Rift Device and use it on the Reality Orb, and hurry! We don't have much time!" she told them.

Within 5 minutes, the group circled around the Reality Orb, powering on their Rift Devices.

"THREE!... TWO!... ONE!... OVERLOAD THE DEVICES!" Lily shouted, letting the group know to shoot the rift beams at the Reality Orb until each of their Rift Devices broke.

But before they could save the Reality Orb, a giant earthquake spontaneously occurred, breaking the devices. "NO!!" Lily screamed, knowing that the earthquake cost them their only chance at saving all of reality.

"... We lost..." Lily cried out, trying to figure out any way to delay the inevitable.


The sky darkened.


The Time Corruption has done irreversible damage. The Reality Orb pushed out one final Reality Wave. Once that happened, the Orb immediately collapsed in on itself.


The end was near...


"That is... so beautiful..." Gypsy stated, watching the sky in awe. "But also really bad..." she continued speaking, knowing that the beauty of the sky was a sign of the universe's death on the horizon.


The sky darkened further. Nothing could be done to save reality...


The Reality Orb morphed into a black hole, beginning to slowly sucking in everything within its radius.

"Lily!" Lexi shouted as loud as she could. "We have to get out of here!"

 "No..." Lily replied. "I am the reason this destruction happened... I'm gonna be the one to fix it." She went to the location where the Reality Orb used to hide, where the Black Hole was located.

"Lily! What are you doing!? Wait!" Ryder shouted, realizing what Lily was about to do. "You don't have to do this! There has to be another way!"

"There was only one way, and we lost that chance. I'm doing what's right for the good of the island. Your survival is worth more than my own."

"Goodbye, Lily..." Luke reached his hand out to Lily, but was forced to run away before the Black Hole consumed him.

Lily, unable to be affected by the Black Hole, used some of her Reality Energy to quickly locate the shattered remains of the Reality Orb's shell. She used the rest of her energy to form Reality Tendrils, using them to hold back the black hole from consuming everything.

Everyone stood in front of the impending doom, watching Lily as she attempted to save every reality.

"It's been an honor to protect this world..." Lily stated.

Luke began to sprint towards Lily, trying to reach out to her for one last time, but before he could get to her, Ryder tackled him onto the ground.

"Luke! What are you doing!? You're going to get yourself killed!" Ryder shouted, trying to keep Luke from dying.


"Goodbye, everyone." Lily stated, using the last of her energy to absorb the black hole, reforming the Reality Orb's shell, trapping her inside the Orb, and causing a bright flash of light to burst all around the island.

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