Request #1 (part 1)

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Request from @SamanthaTorres690


(part 1)

//Graphic violence, fxf, canon

(Fun fact this is my first ever official fxf oneshot lol)

I let out a heavy puff of air as the cold winter burned my lungs, and the sound of our feet smacked on the stone pavement.

Suddenly I pushed both my partner and I back against the wall, ushering her to be as quiet as possible.

"Did you hear that?" She whispered, her breath creating a small cloud in front of me, swirling and dissipating into nothing. Oh how I hated doing missions in the winter.... especially with a human.

My partner's eyes widened and I nodded silently, noticing her brow furrowed with concern.

In the distance we could hear the chorus of voices singing that damned song.

I clutched the gun on my back, ready to sling it across in case a threat turned a corner. After an eternity of stillness... it ended. My partner let out a shaky breath as she sheathed her knife slowly. One of the only things about us in common. We specialized in close combat, specifically with knives and daggers, but because production was low there weren't many knives in stock, and I didn't want to use the one I had at home as it was old and dull and would likely snap in battle. I had only one that was strapped to my hip but it was a little dull, so the gun would be more useful. Nevertheless, I had other weapons like sleeping darts and... graphic weapons. (Mainly little drops of Mentimain, a substance that gets into the immune system and tears the cells apart, mainly skin cells.... death from this is horrifying for even me to witness)

"What was it though?" Remi asked, her voice barely audible above the howling wind, reminding me that she had never even seen a Skibidi Toilet.

I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "The hard part of this mission." I took out a little map in one of my pockets of my trench coat, opening it. "Because the reason for this mission is secret, I can't tell you why we're here but I can tell you our target is just down this alley," I pointed my freezing cold finger at a small sliver of darkness on the map. "We're right here," I said pointing at two parallel lines on the map, and slid my fingers back to the sliver of darkness. "We need to be there."

She nodded hesitantly, probably calculating how fast we would have to go...

"Let's go." I muttered, grabbing her hand.

We crept slowly, our boots crunching the snow underneath us as we stalked forward as quietly as possible. When we reached the edge of the building, I observed one of the vents, opening the shaft just a little bit larger, before pulling myself in the vent, trying to avoid getting cut. Once I was in, I signalled her to come in as well.

It was pitch black, but I knew where we were going. When we reached the end, I pulled myself out into a small storage room full of.... red Christmas decorations and boxes? Luckily, no one was there and I pulled my partner up onto a little ledge and into another vent.

"How many vents are we going to go through?" She whispered, her voice barely audible.

"About 2 more..." I muttered back, our boots a light patter against the metal. I suddenly stopped, looking down at one of the openings. I audibly gasped, surprise filling my every pore.

It was a small group of three, two men and two woman.

What were humans doing here?

I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that humans were here, or the fact that the map was wrong and the room we needed was right here!

The men were drunk but the women were not. Perfect. I sprinkled a dot of liquid Mentimain on one of the women, watching her suddenly convulse and spasm. Without wasting another moment, I put the substance away into my jacket, hoping into the room.

As I descended upon the terrified group, my hand automatically reached for the knife at my hip. The other woman's eyes widened in fear as she saw the glint of steel in my grasp.

"Quiet," I growled, pressing the cold blade against her throat. "Or you'll end up like your friend over there." I gestured to the body lying lifelessly on the ground, blood pooling around her. The men froze, their mouths agape as they stared at me.

"Not a sound," I warned through gritted teeth, barely able to contain my anger. "One of you is going to tell me where the Project 26 files are, or you'll meet the same fate."

One of the men let out a nervous laugh. "See? This is why we shouldn't have come here, Michael. This place is cursed."

"Shut up, Tom," The other man snapped, his face pale. "He's not kidding."

"Okay," Michael stammered, his eyes darting around frantically. "They're in that cabinet... right there." He pointed shakily to a filing cabinet in the corner of the room, and I wondered how he knew about such a highly classified document. "Hurry up and grab them before we all die."

I wasted no time in striding over to the cabinet, pulling open drawers and flipping through documents until I finally found what I was looking for - 'Project 26'. With a victorious grin(With what a camerawoman can grin), I snatched it quickly, passing the main file to Remi. I urged her to search for any additional related documents while I dealt with our captors.

"You do realise we're going to get caught and killed for this?" One of the men whimpered as he watched me work.

"Well, if you hadn't been snooping around where you didn't belong, none of us would be in this situation," I snapped back, trying to ignore the fact that I had no way of reaching the vent above us without any objects to stack up on.


Panicking, I turned to see what was taking Remi so long. "Hurry up and don't bother reading them," I hissed. "Just grab what we need." She huffed in annoyance but quickly gathered the papers she had selected and stuffed them into her satchel.

"Thank you." I muttered harshly, grabbing her hand. I walked over to the keypad, jamming my knife in it. The door lifted automatically, a screeching sound came, probably from seldom use of this room. In my peripheral vision, I saw Remi flinching from it. Humans must be really sensitive to sound.

And... now to get out. I sighed. Lovely. Wonderful.

I basically pulled her along as I rushed out the room, pressing our backs to the wall. Now everything is going to get so much more complicated now that I know this map isn't accurate...

For a second I let myself breathe. With a slight glance at RemiI observed that she was panting heavily, her eyes wide. Her hand was clenched above her chest, as if she was subconsciously protecting something... a necklace? I wonder. Maybe after this mission I'll try to get to know my partner more... maybe then actually start to be successful...

I looked more at our surroundings... The walls were metal, rusted, even some mould or something growing in the crevices. The lighting was strangely matching the feel of the place, offering a dim red-ish yellow cast across the halls. Some places were more yellow than others, where the place looked a bit more like hospital halls, but not quite. Something seemed off...

Everything seemed too quiet...


Har har har end of part one 

I haven't edited it yet so... sorry for that (. . ;)

Sorry, I couldn't keep this in my docs unpublished forever. I promise I'll get part two finished!!

(1260) words

Skibidi Toilet Oneshots bc I'm boredWhere stories live. Discover now