Chapter 1

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The room buzzed with the sounds of people cheering, the clinking of casino chips, and the occasional murmur of conversation. The tension was thick, but the smirk of the man at the table was unmistakable.

"I win." the man declared, revealing his cards with a confident smile as he leaned back in his chair. The light above cast a shadow over his eyes, but his satisfaction was clear.

His opponent sighed heavily, his face a mask of resignation, and threw his cards down in defeat. "Alright, it's my loss then." he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration.

The victor's smirk widened as he leaned forward, eyes gleaming with a mix of triumph and mischief. "I'm going to have your sister, the one locked up in the forest." he said, his voice low and taunting as he locked eyes with the other man.

"Whatever, I don't care about her in the slightest." came the indifferent reply, though there was a flicker of something unreadable in his gaze.

"Sure you don't." the man retorted, standing up and straightening his jacket with a flourish. "I'll be taking my leave now." He gave a final smirk and a wink, prompting the other man to roll his eyes in irritation. "See you in a bit, Hoshi-ah."

As he walked away, the sounds of the casino faded into the background, leaving an air of finality hanging over the table.


"Nanna, look! I created a... what do you call it... a drone!" A young woman, dressed in a jumper over a white shirt, exclaimed as she dragged a cart behind her, her face beaming with pride. The sun glinted off the metallic parts of the device, highlighting her accomplishment.

"Oh my, our Y/N is really a genius!" the older woman exclaimed, pausing her watering to hurry over to Y/N. Her eyes sparkled with admiration, and she wiped her hands on her apron before placing them gently on Y/N's shoulders.

"Really? I was just following the instructions in the documents my tutor gave me last week." Y/N replied, her grin tightening with a mix of modesty and excitement. Her eyes darted between her creation and her grandmother, hoping for approval.

The older woman smiled warmly, her pride evident in the wrinkles that crinkled around her eyes. "How about we have lunch first, and after that, we'll test your drone?" she suggested, setting the watering can down on the ground and brushing a stray hair from her face.

"Alright!" Y/N shouted with enthusiasm, her eyes alight with anticipation. She sprinted towards the wooden house, the cart rattling behind her as she went. The older woman followed more slowly, her heart swelling with pride as she watched her granddaughter's excitement.


"Woah! Nanna! It's flying! It's flying, Nanna, it's flying!" Y/N exclaimed, her voice bursting with excitement as she watched her drone lift off the ground. She skillfully maneuvered the controller, her eyes following the drone's every move as it soared higher.

"It really is..." the older woman murmured, her gaze fixed on the drone, marveling at its smooth ascent and graceful flight. Her expression was a mixture of pride and wonder.

Y/N jumped around in delight, her joy infectious, as she expertly guided the drone to land on the ground marked with an X. The drone descended smoothly, its landing precise and controlled.

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