Chapter 2

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It was night, and an eerie wind lingered over the road, which was engulfed by a dense, continuous forest. The only sounds were the hum of the engine and the rustle of the wind through the trees.

"We have arrived, Mr. Kim." the driver said, glancing in the rearview mirror at the man sitting elegantly in the backseat. Mr. Kim's hands rested on his knee, and his legs were crossed, his demeanor calm and composed.

Mr. Kim gave a silent nod. A second vehicle, a black van, pulled up behind their car. A large, muscular man stepped out of the van and walked over to open Mr. Kim's door, bowing slightly as he did so.

Stepping out, Mr. Kim adjusted his slightly crinkled suit and surveyed the dark surroundings. "Let's go." he commanded in a low, steady voice.

The small convoy consisted of the car with its two occupants and the van carrying six burly men. They moved towards the forest, finding an unexpected, narrow path that led deeper into the woods.

Their steps were quick, the crunch of leaves and the rustle of bushes the only sounds breaking the night's silence. The eerie atmosphere seemed to intensify with every step, but the burly men remained unfazed, their expressions set and determined.

As they delved deeper into the forest, the moonlight barely penetrated the thick canopy above, casting ghostly shadows on the ground. The path twisted and turned, revealing a hidden depth to the forest that was both mysterious and unsettling. Despite the growing sense of unease, Mr. Kim and his entourage pressed on, their purpose clear and their resolve unshaken.


"Nanna, what's this called again?" Y/N asked, holding up a jar filled with softly glowing fireflies, her face a picture of innocent curiosity.

"That's fireflies, dear. Did you forget again?" Her grandmother replied with a chuckle, her weathered hands expertly preparing dinner inside their spacious tent, the aroma of stew wafting through the air.

"Yup! And there are no butterflies at Grandpa's place anyway. They only have bulldogs." Y/N remarked, tapping the glass gently with her finger, her eyes alight with wonder.

"It's fireflies, not butterflies." Her grandmother corrected gently, her voice carrying the warmth of countless shared moments like this one. Y/N pouted playfully in response, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

The soft glow of the fireflies cast dancing shadows on the canvas walls of the tent, creating an enchanting ambiance that seemed to transport them to another world.

"You know, when I was your age, I used to catch fireflies with my sisters." Her grandmother reminisced, her eyes sparkling with memories of long summer nights. "We'd chase them around the yard, giggling until we couldn't catch our breath."

Y/N's eyes widened with fascination. "Did you catch a lot, Nanna?"

"Oh, we caught plenty." She nodded, a fond smile playing on her lips. "But it was never about how many we caught. It was about the joy of being together, surrounded by nature's magic."

As they sat together in the cozy glow of the fireflies, her grandmother continued to share stories of her youth, each one painting a vivid picture of a simpler time filled with laughter and love.

"Do you think they're happy in there, Nanna?" Y/N asked, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing dance of the fireflies.

Her grandmother paused, her wise eyes reflecting the flickering light. "They're happiest when they're free to roam, just like us. Let's set them free after dinner, shall we?"

Y/N's face lit up with excitement. "Ne! let's do that! It'll be like releasing a little bit of magic into the night."

And so, after dinner, they opened the jar and watched as the fireflies flitted out into the cool night air, their gentle glow fading into the darkness as they soared away, free once more.


"Mr. Kim, there's no one inside the house." a burly man reported, his voice tense with urgency as he approached Mr. Kim, who sat on a weathered chair outside the wooden house, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration.

"What? That's absurd! Find them!" Mr. Kim exclaimed, his voice sharp with command. "Don't let them escape! Make sure Y/N doesn't get away!" With a determined nod, the burly men sprang into action, fanning out around the property, their eyes scanning every shadow for any sign of movement.

Inside the dimly lit interior of the wooden house, tension hung heavy in the air as the burly men searched every nook and cranny, their footsteps echoing off the wooden floorboards. Drawers were pulled open, closets were flung wide, and every corner was meticulously examined in their desperate quest to find Y/N.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kim remained outside, his eyes fixed on the door, his mind racing with thoughts of what might happen if they didn't find Y/N soon.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kim." Mackenyu said, extending his hand for a handshake. He was standing before Kim Taehyung, the renowned CEO of Kim Industries, whose presence commanded respect and admiration.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Maeda." Taehyung replied, accepting the handshake with a warm smile. His grip was firm yet friendly, reflecting his confident demeanor.

"This is Sana, my half-sister." Mackenyu introduced, gesturing to the young woman beside him. Sana glanced up briefly from her painted nails, offering a polite but disinterested nod.

"She's very beautiful." Taehyung commented, pulling back from the handshake. His smile remained cordial, his eyes showing genuine appreciation. "We're very sorry that our youngest isn't here to bond with Sana. I'm sure they would have gotten along well."

Sana looked up again, her interest slightly piqued by the mention of a younger sibling. "It's alright." she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Maybe next time."

Mackenyu nodded in agreement, a hint of pride in his eyes as he looked at his sister. "I'm sure they will meet soon enough. Family is important to us."

"Indeed it is." Taehyung agreed, his tone sincere. "I hope we can arrange a meeting in the near future. Building connections, both personal and professional, is something we highly value."

The conversation flowed smoothly, with each side expressing mutual respect and a willingness to collaborate. The formalities exchanged were laced with an underlying promise of future interactions, both families recognizing the potential for a fruitful relationship.

* * *

Owowowowo hiii!!!

Been a while, I hope there's still some of my reader interested in this new plot ^_^

Love ContractTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon