Chapter 8~ Friend?

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Chapter 8

Here I was on a Monday after school. I noticed that I havent seen Callie ever since I saw her at the hospital.

This whole day I was trying to skillfully avoid Alexander. Whitch Is harder than you think.

He Is everywhere. Every corner I can feel his eyes burning holes into my back. To be honest Its kind of annoying. When I left his house last weekend I thought I had made It clear I didn't want to see him again...guess not.

It was the last class of the day. I had a free period because I didn't need any extra classes. The hallways were nearly empty with a few student scurrying off to class late. I was on my way to the library, until I heard banging on one of the janitor closets. I halted In my steps. Probably some kids messing around. It was only when the banging got louder. Before I opened the I coverd my eyes just In case.

"Oh thank god!" A tiny voice yelled with releif. I uncoverd my eyes to see a small boy no more than 5'3 with brown hair and blue eyes. I studied him closely. He seemed to notice my facial expression because he began to explain himself.

"Oh! You must be wondering how I got In here well I was walking...." I tuned him out the rest of his little story. Im still trying to remember If I've ever seen him before.

"That's how I ended up locked In here." He finishes looking at me with hoping I understand.

"Whats your name? I've never seen you before." I blurt out sheepishly blushing a little at the fact I just said what was on my mind.

"Oh right how could I forget my name Is Chris." He extended his hand for me to shake. I hesitantly did so.

"I'm Maria." I spoke softly. His whole face lit up with excitement. "Oh finally I have a friend." He spoke excitedly.

"Oh crap I forgot to text my boyfriend." He shrieked In panic. Immediately searching his pockets for his phone. It Instantly came to my attention that he was endeed gay. I waited patiently while he was on the phone arguing with his boyfriend. "Bye." He finally ended his conversation. "You look like you could use some freinds." He stated

"Um.. Im really fine-" I started to say, but was cut off.

"Im not taking no for an answer. From now on we are classified as Besties". I looked at him carefully. This kid is kind of weird but I like weird I think we are gonna get along great.


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